Meet Disney, a pocket-sized Chihuahua, who was part of a
litter of three born on January 25th, and hasn't grown since she was
Standing at only three inches tall, and weighing less than a
bag of sugar Britain's smallest puppy is so tiny she thinks she's a kitten.
She weighs just 14oz and can be carried around by owner
Natalie Vanes, 26, in the palm of her hand.
The mother-of-one has to keep Disney away from her three other
dogs at her home in Coseley, West Midlands, in case they mistake her for a toy.
As a result, Disney forged an inseparable bond with Ms.
Vanes' pet kitten Kiera, and they have been best friends ever since.
Disney plays with kitten toys - as the dog toys are too big
for her - and even pinches Kiera's food out of her bowl.
The pair also sleep together on a heat-mat in a special dog
crate, which is kept in Ms. Vanes' bedroom, and can fit in a plant-pot
Ms. Vanes, who lives with her fiancé, Stephen, 30, and their
five-year-old daughter, said, “Disney was a normal sized little puppy and was
fed and reared by her mom, Tinkerbell, and didn't really need any special
“As time passed they both grew normally but they were quite
small. However, their mom and dad are small so I wasn't too concerned.
Since then her brother has grown into a handsome boy
weighing a little over 1 pound at 12 weeks, and Disney only weighed under a
pound at 12 weeks.
That's when I realized how small she actually was. The
unique thing about Disney is that she has never really grown since eight weeks
She is a normal healthy fun little puppy, full of energy,
but just so tiny.
“I have to be careful when I take her out, I wrap her in a
blanket because she gets cold, and there is no collar big enough to fit her.”
“She became best friends with Kiera, and they soon became
inseparable. They stay by each other's side all the time. Disney plays with the
tiny fluffy mice toys, as dog toys are too big and heavy for her.
She also enjoyed stealing Kiera's food, she thinks she’s a
kitten and they snuggle up together all the time.”
Disney weighs the same weight as a five-week-old average
Chihuahua, which currently makes her the smallest dog in Britain.
The current smallest dog in the UK is Tyson, a four inch,
Lhasa Apso cross Chihuahua, who lives in Lincoln with owner, Rosemarie
The world's smallest living dog is a female Chihuahua called
Miracle Milly, who is 3.8in tall and weighs 1lb.
She sleeps in a doll's crib at her owner's home in Dorado,
Puerto Rico.
Standing at a only three inches tall, and weighing less than a bag of sugar Britain's smallest puppy Disney (right) is so tiny she thinks she's a kitten, pictured with kitten Kiera (left).
Owner, Natalie Vanes has to keep Disney away from her three other dogs at her home in Coseley, pictured with bulldog, Skye.
Disney plays with kitten toys, regular dog toys are too big for her. She eats Kiera's food out of her bowl.
The pair also sleep together on a heat-mat in a special dog crate, which is kept in Ms. Vanes' bedroom, and can even fit in a plant-pot together.
The 14-week-old pup is on course to break a Guinness World Record for the smallest dog, if she continues to grow at the same rate, pictured with Summer Peters.
Disney only weighs the same weight of a five-week-old average Chihuahua, which currently makes her the smallest dog in Britain.
Ms. Vanes said, “I have to be careful when I take her out, I wrap her in a blanket because she gets cold, and there is no collar big enough to fit her.” FOLLOW US!