There’s not much cuter than seeing a spry little squirrel
in its environment – running, jumping, climbing, nibbling… everything about them
is adorable.
But one family in Finland noticed a red squirrel in quite
the opposite circumstances – it was seemingly lifeless on the side of a road.
They were devastated, but then the wounded squirrel showed faint signs of life.
It was just the beginning of a story that went from heartbreaking to
heartwarming in a matter of seconds.
A family in Finland spotted this little guy seemingly
lifeless on the side of a road in 2007. When they were moving him, he showed
signs of life.
They immediately decided to try and nurse him back to
Unfortunately though, “We realized that his eye would
never heal completely and he wouldn’t survive on his own,” says Priami, whose
family adopted the squirrel.
The family took the squirrel in as one of their own.
They named him Arttu, “pretty much the Finnish version of
He loved to joke around: “He liked to have playful
‘fights’ with our hands (you know, like cats do) and he was smart enough not to
bite too hard.”
Arttu quite the appetite: “We fed him nuts, fruits,
berries and mushrooms.” (And pinecones!)
Arttu lived with the family from 2007 – 2013, when he
passed of old age. They found him curled up in his ‘nest’ like he was sleeping.
“We fed other squirrels all the food we had stored for him
before he died.”
It’s hard to come to terms with the fact that our pets
have shorter lifespans than us. But however short, it looks like Arttu’s life
was very happy. Now he probably has all the nuts he can handle in squirrel