Bromley, Kentucky - A
mother-of-two has revealed how she spends $141,598.35 a year looking after more
than 120 rescue cats.
Silvana Valentino-Locke, 55, even employs two live-in 'cat
nannies' to look after her pet posse at her home.
Even more surprising than the dozens of cats and
jaw-dropping care costs, Mrs. Valentino-Locke, who has been married to Tony for
32 years, says her spouse does not mind her cat obsession.
“Every man who comes to adopt a cat always asks, do you have
a husband? They can't believe anyone would tolerate all these cats,” she told
The Mirror.
Luckily Tony works long hours so he doesn't see all the
work of caring for them.
Mrs. Valentino-Locke began turning their home into a rescue
center more than 20 years ago, adding that it 'reached full potential' in 1998
and became the Romney House Cat Rescue.
She now has 52 cats living with her and Tony in their four-bedroom
home, with some 30-40 waiting to find new homes, housed in a number of garden
sheds which have been converted into cat houses.
Mrs. Valentino-Locke, who has two sons with Tony Jr., age
27, and Daniel, 30. Tony has also taken in some 30 'feral' cats, who all live
and roam free in a neighboring field.
Caring for the 122 cats, which constantly changes as
kittens are born and cats adopted - is a full-time job and a costly one.
She spends approximately $786.66 per week on the daily
feeds. With 12 litter trays to change every day, the cost of litter alone is $47.20
per day.
She employs two live-in 'cat nannies', who are paid $393.33
a week plus food and board, and can spend as much as $7,079.92 a-month on veterinary bills.
She is devoted to the cause of caring for the cats, and
gets up at 6.30 a.m. every morning to take care of them. Sometimes she doesn’t
get to bed until after midnight.
The annual total of $141,598.35 is funded 50% by Tony, who
runs a courier film, with the rest covered by donations, fundraising drives and
her charity shop.
Despite the 52 cats sharing a home with her and Tony, she refuses
to let her obsession affect her standards. With the help of her staff, the couple's
Kent home is cleaned from top to bottom, twice a day.
“It takes about an hour and a half. We mop every floor and clean
furniture,” she told The Mirror.
“It's a long, exhausting job. The phone is always ringing
with people who have cats that need to be rescued.” she said.
Her life with her 122 cats has now become the subject of a
Channel 5 documentary, called ‘90 Cats & Counting: Cat Crazies’, set to air
on Wednesday, July 1.