90-year-old Pamela Mobbs, passed away in October 2020, donating over $32,000 to the Volusia Sheriff’s K-9 officers. The sizable donation was from the generous woman’s estate and was whole-heartedly given to the K-9 police force.
Half of the money donated will be for supplying K-9 bulletproof vests for the German Shepherds working in the field, and the other for training additional dogs who will be joining the force. The Volusia Sheriff’s Office was given two separate checks from Pamela’s estate, each for $16,428.16 (which totals to $32,856.32).
To read more on this story, click here: 90-year-old Woman who Loves German Shepherds Donates Over $32,000 to the Sheriff’s Office for K-9 Bulletproof Vests and Training New Dogs for the Force