Laura Gontchar loved the family of 11 Muscovy ducklings and
their mother that lived near her home in Wellington, Fla. After the ducklings
hatched, Gontchar and her family would leave food out for them and watch as the
ducks ventured out of their lake to eat.
That’s exactly what Gontchar; her husband, Boyd Jentzsch;
and their 7-year-old son, Kai, were doing on May 2, they said. That is, until
Jason Falbo, a landscaper working his way through the yard on a riding
lawnmower, started heading straight for the family of ducklings.
Gontchar told the Palm Beach Post that she ran outside to
flag Falbo down as he approached the ducklings. Her son followed her, she said.
“He was yelling, ‘Stop, stop! Ducks! Stop!’”
But according to the family, Falbo plowed right into the
family of ducklings, then backed up his lawnmower to run them over again. All
but two of the ducklings were killed; seven were killed in the lawnmower’s
blades and two others drowned as what remained of the family escaped back to
the safety of the lake.
On Wednesday, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office
arrested and charged Falbo with nine counts of animal cruelty, according to the
office’s inmate records. He’s being held on a $27,000 bond.
Jentzsch told the Sun Sentinel that Falbo was smiling as he
made his second pass over the family of ducks:
“What are you doing to my ducks?” Kai wailed, his father
remembers. “Why are you laughing?”
The boy, in tears, ran from the backyard and back into his
house. Jentzsch and his wife were stunned.
“It was one of the most emotional things I’ve ever seen,”
Jentzsch said. “It was just — wow.”
Falbo was confronted by Gontchar and Jentzsch. He said he
was unable to see the ducklings as he mowed their lawn. But the family didn’t
believe him. After he left their property, Jentzsch called authorities. Animal
Care and Control found their remains by the lake, the Sun Sentinel reported.
Falbo’s boss, Wayne Soini, told the Palm Beach Post that
the lawn’s grass was too high for Falbo to see the small ducklings and that he
believed the whole ordeal was a misunderstanding. But a police report obtained
by the paper notes that the family was farther away from the ducklings than
Falbo was and had no problem seeing them in the grass.
Soini also defended his employee in an interview with CBS
12. “He’s not cruel, he would not have done this deliberately,” Soini, who gave
only his first name to the CBS affiliate, said. Soini rents a room in his home
to Falbo and as employed the landscaper for nine months. Soini added that he
believes his employee threw the lawnmower into reverse not out of cruelty but
because “there were more in front of him … when he backed up it was to prevent
[killing] the ones that were still there.”
Gontchar told the Palm Beach paper that since that awful
day, the mother duck and her two remaining children have returned to the site
multiple times. “She came back and was clucking, calling for her ducklings. But
they weren’t there.”
The couple is struggling to explain to Kai what it is that
he witnessed, Jentzsch told the Sun Sentinel. “He asked me,” Jentzch said, “‘Is
everybody out there like this?'”