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Showing posts with label Pet. Show all posts

Friday, February 11, 2022

Mom Cat Comforting Her Kitten - Take A Look At This Adorable Video

This is an adorable video of a sleeping kitten and its mother. Is the kitten having a bad dream...maybe a nightmare? To find out if feline science backs up that anthropomorphic explanation, we talked to Dr. Nicholas Dodman, director of the animal behavior clinic at Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine.

Do you think that this kitten is dreaming or having a nightmare? Do kittens really have nightmares, or dreams at all?

Well, the kitten’s clearly dreaming. It may not be a dream or a nightmare, it may be running after a mouse; we’ll never know.  Some will say: You can’t prove cats dream. But if you measure brainwaves in cats, dogs and several other animals, it’s clear that they go through a period of rapid-eye movement, or REM sleep, when the brain is very active. In humans, exactly the same thing happens and that’s when we dream.

I read a study that kittens do a lot of this kind of sleeping in their early life, as their brain is developing. And I believe it makes sense that REM sleep is not only associated with the maturation of neurons in the brain, but also with dreaming processes. As kittens begin to sense the world around them, those things can be regurgitated in sleep in the form of dreams.

If it’s sleeping so deeply, why is it twitching its paws?

Humans and cats both have certain muscles that are for precision, as well as what are called larger “anti-gravity muscles” like those that lift your legs. Those larger ones are activated by a neurochemical called serotonin. During REM sleep, the brain’s serotonin system is shut off, which means the anti-gravity muscles are shut off. What’s not switched off are these highly-tuned muscles in things like eyes and extremities what for us would be fingers and toes, but for them it’s paws and whiskers.

This kitten is in the state of sleep some people call “the sleep of the body,” because the body is totally relaxed except for these tips of things twitching, while the brain is active and dreaming. The opposite is “sleep of the mind,” when the brainwaves go very big and slow, almost flattening out, but the muscles are not completely relaxed with a cat, that would be a catnap.

And what does the mom’s reaction look like to you? Is she really “hugging” the kitten?

Mommy is doing what mommy cats do. Like humans, they sort of fall in love with their babies. The hormone involved is oxytocin, it’s involved in all sorts of bonding, even between humans and their pets. So she’s cuddling up and keeping her baby close. She seems to be in slow-wave sleep, not REM, and the kitten’s movements seem to disturb her slightly.

One limb happens to be under the kitten, and she puts her other paw across and feels the presence of her baby. To me it’s a perfectly natural example of maternal care and affection to a kitten who’s dreaming. You could refer to it as a hug. They’re mutually bonded and I think they enjoy the presence of each other. Human analogies are not entirely inaccurate.

How old would you guess this kitten is, or how far along in its development?

It looks pretty young, I’d say two to three weeks, though that’s just a guess. There are three main periods of growing up in a kitten. In the first two weeks, they’re basically just like little milk-sucking maggots; they can’t even open their eyes. In weeks two to seven, their eyes and ears open and they learn to socialize. And after that they’re called juveniles, becoming more independent. So we’re looking at a kitten that I think is in that second phase.

The mother still needs to take great care of it because fear, the perception of danger, takes a while to develop. Humans and animals are born literally fearless, and need the parent to watch out for them or they might crawl right off the side of a bed, for example. So a kitten this young can’t stray far from its mother safely, and she keeps it close; draws it in often.


Did You Know That Cats Are Officially ‘Seniors’ By The Time They Reach 10 Years of Age?

Cats are officially “seniors” by the time they reach 10 years of age. Fortunately, kitties today often live well into their teens and even their early 20s, so a 10-year-old healthy “senior” cat still has lots of living left to do!

At 10 to 12 years, most cats have slowed down a bit and tend to feel more stress in response to changes in their routine or environment. Cats at this age can also begin to develop the same types of health problems older people face, including arthritis, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and kidney disease. That’s why it’s so important to bring your cat for twice-yearly wellness visits with your veterinarian. The sooner a change in your kitty’s health is identified and addressed, the better the long-term outcome.

At 13 to 15 years, many cats experience some loss of vision and hearing, and can also develop age-related cognitive dysfunction. Kitties at this age tend to do a lot more napping and may grow a little crabby and easily annoyed. Frequent checkups in which your vet performs a complete geriatric workup are essential to maintaining your cat’s good health.

One can compare a cat of 16 to an 80-year-old human. A kitty at 16 or older is moving and thinking more slowly than he once did, and he probably has a few age-related health issues. He’s likely not as alert or responsive as he once was. It’s a good idea to keep a journal of any changes you notice in your pet, including his appetite and water consumption, signs of constipation or incontinence, aggressive behavior, or mental confusion. Signs that a cat is in pain can include hiding, panting, shortness of breath, teeth grinding, loss of interest in food, or reluctance to move around.

There are many things owners of senior cats can do to help their pet enjoy a good quality of life in their golden years. These include feeding the right nutrition, providing opportunities for exercise and environmental enrichment, offering supplements that are especially beneficial for older cats, providing multiple easy-in/easy-out litter boxes, and setting aside time each day to have positive interactions with their pet.
By Dr. Becker

By the time your cat reaches the age of 10, she’s officially a feline senior citizen. The good news is that many cats today are living into their late teens and even early 20s. With the proper care, a kitty in good health at 10 can easily live another 8, 10, or even 12 years.

So there’s no need to panic if your purr-y companion is getting older, but it IS time to start taking some steps to insure your pet stays as happy and healthy as possible throughout her senior and geriatric years.

But first, let’s take a look at how cats show signs of aging and what you can expect as your kitty gets older.

What to Expect at 10 to 12 Years
By the time most kitties turn 10, they have slowed down a little (or a lot, depending on how high-energy they were as youngsters). You might notice your cat isn’t jumping up on high surfaces as much anymore, or isn’t climbing to the uppermost spot on the cat tree.

And while all cats, regardless of age, do best with a consistent daily routine, older cats can become especially stressed when presented with anything new or different in their environment.

You might also notice your kitty doesn’t always run right out to greet you when you get home. He may not initiate play as often as he once did, and he may take more naps.  

Many cats also become more vocal as they age, and more fearful of strange or loud noises and unfamiliar people.

Older cats can also suffer from many of the same health challenges older humans face, including arthritis, diabetes, thyroid problems, and kidney disease, so it’s really important to bring your cat for twice-yearly wellness visits with your veterinarian. The sooner a change in your kitty’s health is identified and addressed, the easier it will be to resolve or manage the problem.

At veterinary visits, be sure to mention any and all behavior changes you’ve noticed in your cat, no matter how minor, as these can provide important clues about health problems that may be brewing under the surface. It’s also important you and your vet keep regular tabs on your cat’s weight, to assure she isn’t gaining or shrinking over time.

What to Expect at 13 to 15 Years
From 13 to 15 years of age, not only are most cats moving quite a bit slower than they once did, many are also experiencing at least some loss of vision and hearing. They may also have less tolerance for cold temperatures.

Elderly cats can develop age-related dementia, making small changes in their environment or routine increasingly stressful. Some older kitties are also easily confused.

Along with more napping and less activity, your senior cat may grow a bit cranky and easily irritated. If your household includes young children or a rambunctious dog, everyone will need to learn to approach kitty in a quiet, non-aggressive manner. And if yours is a multi-pet household, it’s important not to allow your aging cat to be bullied by younger pets who may sense a change in the natural pecking order.

You may also notice that your cat prefers to spend more time alone these days. You can enhance his feelings of safety and security by making his favorite hideout a warm, comfy little spot he can retreat to whenever he likes. But keep in mind that senior cats still need to interact with their humans regularly, so set aside some time each day to spend with your pet. You can engage him in gentle play, an ear scratching session, or some brushing or combing.

As I mentioned earlier, your cat is now at the age where twice-yearly veterinary checkups are essential in order to safeguard his health. Your vet will perform a geriatric workup, including a physical exam and blood, urine, and stool sample tests. The results of these tests will provide a snapshot of how well your cat’s organs are functioning, and point to any potential problems.

Your vet will also check the condition of your kitty’s coat and skin, his footpads and nails, and his teeth and gums.


Saving Your Pet with CPR

With pets increasingly being treated like a member of the family, many owners are leaning emergency techniques like CPR to keep their pet alive before bringing it to a veterinarian. Please take a look at the flyer below:

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Thursday, February 10, 2022

How to Identify Whether a Dog Is Dangerous or Not

A dog behavior expert has revealed the signs which indicate an animal is dangerous, and unable to be safely adopted.

Gia Savocchi, based in New York, regularly shares her animal expertise on TikTok, uploading clips on restraint, control, collar grabbing, and aggression tests.

Savocchi is the founder of Thinking Canine, which specializes in rescue animals, particularly one displaying anxiety and aggression.

To read more on this story, click here: How to Identify Whether a Dog Is Dangerous or Not


Dog Breeds Banned By Home Insurance Companies

Aside from natural disasters and water, the three things that give home insurance companies agita are dogs, pools and trampolines. Basically anything fun.

The problem with dogs is the expensive liability claims against the dog owners. Homeowners insurance pays out for dog bites or other dog-related injuries—such as a fall when a dog jumps on someone or runs at them. The average dog bite claim has been around $44,760, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

To rein in costs, many home insurance companies have lists of banned dogs—cases where the insurer won’t provide coverage if a customer owns the breed. Not all home insurers have strict lists of banned dog breeds. Some take dog bite problems on a case by case in deciding whether to offer insurance to the owner.

To read more on this story, click here: Dog Breeds Banned By Home Insurance Companies


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The living dead: Wood frogs across Alaska will soon be frozen solid

Their bodies cooling with the October air, wood frogs are now snug in leafy blankets all over Alaska.

Down there inside those thumb-size frogs, even smaller creatures are hitching a ride. These tiny parasites have the power to make frogs develop up to a dozen extra legs, or no legs at all.

Don Larson just defended his University of Alaska Ph.D. thesis on the fate of wood frogs that are at this moment becoming camouflage ice cubes. While taking a course in physiology of northern creatures, he became fascinated with the parasites attached to some wood frogs. How could a creature that leeches off another organism endure that animal freezing solid?

To read more on this story, click here: The living dead: Wood frogs across Alaska will soon be frozen solid


Four fascinating ways animals survive the winter

There are a lot of things humans can do to make the colder months more comfortable, thanks to technology. But wild animals don't have access to boots, or scarves, or fireplaces to keep them cozy at night.

They have, however, evolved fascinating characteristics that allow them to get through the harsh winter months -- when food is scarce and the temperatures are frigid.

Here are four fascinating tricks animals use to survive the winter.

To read more on this story, click here: Four fascinating ways animals survive the winter


Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The 15 Most Expensive Cat Breeds (That Are Worth Every Penny)

Owning pets isn’t cheap. Cats will cost you roughly $630 per year, according to the ASPCA. Two cats? Twice the money (roughly). Bigger cats? Bigger bills. The first year of cat ownership will usually cost more than the average, too, depending on how fancy you get with food and gear, and whether you have to pay for spay/neuter surgery or vaccinations. On top of these routine annual costs, some cat breeds require you to dig very deeply into your pockets, just to take them home. We’re talking thousands of dollars for the world’s most expensive cat breeds! Intrigued? Keep reading.

To read more on this story, click here: The 15 Most Expensive Cat Breeds (That Are Worth Every Penny)


Cat Rooms Are 2022's Biggest Pet Trend—Here's How to Make One


Welcome to 2022, where cats rule and humans are drooling over this year’s biggest pet trend: cat rooms. Our feline roommates have always comfortably laid claim to certain spots around the house. The only difference is, now we’re embracing their behavior as a design challenge. Cat rooms are exactly what they sound like— rooms dedicated entirely (or almost entirely) to our cats. Anyone who walks into one should know immediately a cat lives there—and the cat loves it. Still curious? Here’s everything you need to know about cat rooms and how to make one.

To read more on this story, click here: Cat Rooms Are 2022's Biggest Pet Trend—Here's How to Make One


Sunday, February 6, 2022

Calculate Your Dog’s Age With This New, Improved Formula

A study of the epigenetic clock in Labradors shows calculating a dog’s age is much more complicated than just multiplying by seven

One dog year is not equivalent to seven human years, despite widespread use of the ratio for calculating the age of canine companions. Presumably, the ratio is based on the average lifespan of dogs being 10 years and humans being 70 years, it’s not quite so simple. The formula is not based on any real science and it was debunked by veterinarians years ago.

To read more on this story, click here: Calculate Your Dog’s Age With This New, Improved Formula


How Old Is Your Cat in Human Years?

Cat Years to Human Years Converter

Enter your cat's age (from 1 to 25) in the calculator above to see the equivalent age in human years.

How old is your cat in human years? Consult our Cat Age Chart, which converts cat years to human years. Are you surprised at your cat’s “human” age?

The old “seven year” rule is simple but not quite accurate because cats age more rapidly during the first two years of life. In a feline’s very first year, he or she reaches the human age equivalent of 15. By a feline’s second year, he or she is the equivalent of age 24.

To read more on this story, click here: How Old Is Your Cat in Human Years?


Friday, January 28, 2022

Rare snowy owl seen flying over Washington, D.C.

WASHINGTON — A rare owl has been spotted touring the iconic monuments of Washington, D.C. for the last week, bringing out bird enthusiasts anxious to get a glimpse of the animal.

The snowy owl was first spotted on Jan. 3, and has since been seen at Union Station, the National Postal Museum, Senate buildings, and Capitol Police headquarters, The Associated Press reported.

To read more on this story, click here: Rare snowy owl seen flying over Washington, D.C.


Your Cat Knows Where You Are Even When They Can't See You

Pet cats have been found to "mentally map" the whereabouts of their owners when they are out-of-sight, scientists have found. Researchers found that cats track their owners' movements by creating mental representations linked to vocal signals.

The researchers, led by Saho Takagi from the Department of Psychology at Kyoto University, Japan, conducted a series of experiments on cats, using vocal cues from either their owners or strangers.

To read more on this story, click here: Your Cat Knows Where You Are Even When They Can't See You


Bidens welcome new family cat to the White House

She is a short-haired, two-year-old gray tabby named Willow. The name is inspired by the first lady's hometown of Willow Grove, Pennsylvania.

Biden first met Willow at a campaign stop in 2020, according to information provided by the first lady's press secretary Michael LaRosa, when the cat jumped on stage and the owners of the farm where the event was being held noticed the "immediate bond"they shared.

To read more on this story, click here: Bidens welcome new family cat to the White House


Sunday, January 9, 2022

Family returns home to find their walls and floors covered in blood after pet dog attacks intruder

CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. (WRIC) — A Chesterfield family recently opened their door to find a scene from a horror film. There was blood covering the walls and floors of their home.

The family said there have been several break-ins recently in the Ashbrooke neighborhood where they live. The family came home Thursday night to find they too had been the victim of a break in. They say thanks to a family pet, the would-be robber got away with nothing. In fact, he was lucky to get away with his life.

To read more on this story, click here: Family returns home to find their walls and floors covered in blood after pet dog attacks intruder


Six Fascinating Facts About Rabbits

Rabbits are wonderful creatures, with adorable ears, faces, and paws. Many people assume rabbits are all the same, but they are unique, complex, and enchanting animals. Beyond the twitchy nose and soft fur, there are many delightful and interesting secrets to uncover about rabbits. Here are six fascinating facts:

They have distinct personalities

Gentle and cuddly, or feisty and opinionated, bunnies each have their own unique and individual personality. For example, some rabbits like to be patted, while others are very independent. Long-time rabbit owners know that each domestic rabbit has its own personality that shapes the way they interact with their owners.

To read more on this story, click here: Six Fascinating Facts About Rabbits


Betty White fans hatch plan to celebrate her 100th birthday by giving back to animals

In loving animals, she’s just unstoppable.

Before we moved into 2022, tragic news spread across the internet. The iconic television personality Betty White died just on the eve of the new year.

But even so, she left a legacy of kindness, joy, and generosity. And as fans celebrated her life and work, they put to the spotlight a side of White that people always cherished – her love for animals.

To read more on this story, click here: Betty White fans hatch plan to celebrate her 100th birthday by giving back to animals


Saturday, January 8, 2022

Pope Scolds Couples Who Choose Pets Over Kids

Expressing concern about global birthrates, Francis said such couples were acting in a selfish way that diminished humanity.

ROME — Pope Francis has not been reluctant to offer his views on polarizing subjects, but on Wednesday, he waded into an issue involving two subjects on which consensus is almost impossible to find.

Pets and kids.

Speaking on parenthood during a general audience at the Vatican on Wednesday, Francis bemoaned the global decline in birthrates — what he described as a “demographic winter” — and was bluntly critical of couples who prefer to have pets rather than children.

People who have pets instead of children, the pope said, were being selfish, exhibiting a “denial of fatherhood or motherhood” that “diminishes us, it takes away our humanity.”

To read more on this story, click here: Pope Scolds Couples Who Choose Pets Over Kids


Meet the ‘Horse Barber’ creating spectacular equine designs

CNN — By combining her two passions, Melody Hames produces some of the most unexpected and spectacular designs in the equine world.

Dubbed the “Horse Barber,” the design graduate has set up her own business clipping creative artwork into the hair of horses.

“They’ve all got a unique meaning,” Hames told CNN Sport. “I’ve always been into art and design anyway so I love to do it.”

To read more on this story, click here: Meet the ‘Horse Barber’ creating spectacular equine designs


How to Determine Your Cat's Age

There are a lot of mysteries about cats that have been adopted or rescued, and that includes the feline's age. A veterinarian is your best partner in determining the current age of a cat, as well as in planning a care program to ensure the optimal quality of life and longevity. A thorough veterinary examination of the cat's entire body will generally help to determine an approximate age of the cat; however, vets tend to look at a few body parts in particular when trying to estimate how old the cat might be.

To read more on this story, click here: How to Determine Your Cat's Age
