Are you considering buying a pet fish?Excellent choice!
But they certainly are not for everyone.
I have had pet fish for quite some time now…
Over 30 years, in fact. Where does the time go?
During this time I have actively been involved in online fish forums, local meetups and helped many, many beginners overcome problems with their aquarium setup.
You would be amazed at how often I hear this phrase uttered by beginners after receiving advice:
Ugh… If I knew that, I never would have considered fish as a pet!
What are these deal breakers?
That’s exactly what I am going to reveal in this guide.
If at any point while reading this, you think to yourself:
I don’t like the sound of that…
Then I highly recommend considering a different pet for you and your family.
Which brings me to my first point…
To read more on this story, click here: Is a Fish the Right Pet for You? 7 Reasons Why It Might Not Be