The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too : Pet Care The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too : Pet Care
Showing posts with label Pet Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pet Care. Show all posts

Friday, February 11, 2022

Saving Your Pet with CPR

With pets increasingly being treated like a member of the family, many owners are leaning emergency techniques like CPR to keep their pet alive before bringing it to a veterinarian. Please take a look at the flyer below:

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Monday, August 9, 2021

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) describes a collection of conditions that can affect the bladder and urethra of cats. This syndrome can have many possible causes, but cats generally exhibit similar, recognizable signs. Cats with FLUTD usually show signs of difficulty and pain when urinating, increased frequency of urination, and blood in the urine. Affected cats tend to lick their genital area excessively, and sometimes they will urinate outside the litter box, often preferring cool, smooth surfaces like a tile floor or a bathtub.

While the condition can be seen in cats of any age, it is most frequently seen in middle-aged, over-weight cats that get little exercise, use an indoor litter box, have restricted access outside, and eat a dry diet. Environmental factors, such as interactions with owners, multi-cat households, and changes in routine may also increase the risk that a cat will develop FLUTD.

How is FLUTD diagnosed?
Although cats with lower urinary tract disease behave in similar ways, the potential causes are multiple. Urinary tract infections, urinary stones, urethral plugs, cancer, and other disorders can affect the lower urinary tract of the cat. Because FLUTD can have many causes, it can be difficult to diagnose. Based on your cat's signs, your veterinarian will likely perform an initial physical examination and run a urinalysis. If the cause of the cat's signs has not been identified with a urinalysis, other testing may be recommended, including bloodwork, x-rays, and urine culture.

What are the most common causes of FLUTD?
Feline Idiopathic Cystitis
Feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC)—also called interstitial cystitis—is the most common diagnosis in cats with lower urinary tract signs. FIC is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning that the term FIC is used if all diagnostics fail to confirm the presence of another disease such as urinary stones. Cats suffering from FIC make frequent attempts to urinate, probably as a result of bladder discomfort, and often are found to have blood in their urine. Signs of lower urinary tract disease in cats with non-obstructive FIC often resolve spontaneously within a couple of weeks regardless of treatment. So most treatments attempt to prevent subsequent recurrence of signs.

Veterinarians have noted many similarities between FIC and a bladder disorder affecting humans called interstitial cystitis. Studies are ongoing to determine whether the human and the feline disorder are truly the same, and whether therapies helpful for humans will be of benefit to cats as well. In humans, a psychologically stressful event often precedes the onset of lower urinary tract discomfort due to interstitial cystitis, and stress also seems to be an important factor in the development of FIC in cats. Possible sources of stress in a cat's life may include environmental changes, changes in food schedule, and changes in the number of animals in the household. Environmental enrichment and modification can reduce stress and decrease the severity and frequency of FIC episodes. To reduce environmental stress, cats should be provided a safe, clean area in which to urinate, as well as opportunities to express natural predatory behavior. These opportunities may include climbing posts and toys that can be chased and caught.

Because changes in food can also result in recurrence of FIC in some cats, the cat's diet should remain consistent in both content and schedule. Many pet food manufacturers market diets formulated for "urinary health." While these "special diets" may reduce the likelihood that cats with FIC will develop a urethral obstruction, there is no evidence that they have reduced the incidence of idiopathic feline lower urinary tract disease itself.

Urolithiasis (Urinary Stones)
Another possible cause of FLUTD is urinary stones—or uroliths—which are rock-hard collections of minerals that form in the urinary tract of cats. Cats with urinary stones will exhibit many of the common signs of FLUTD. X-rays or ultrasound are usually needed to make a diagnosis of urinary stones. The treatment of a cat with urinary stones depends on the mineral composition of the stones; however, surgical removal of stones is often required. The two most common stone types in cats are struvite and calcium oxalate.

For cats with struvite stones, a special stone-dissolving diet may be prescribed to eliminate the stones. If the diet fails to dissolve the stone, then surgical removal may be necessary. Struvite stones are becoming less common in cats, as most commercial feline diets are now formulated to reduce the likelihood of struvite formation by limiting the amount of dietary magnesium and by promoting the production of urine that is more acidic. Unfortunately, the percentage of stones composed of calcium oxalate has increased. The role—if any—that diet plays in the formation of calcium oxalate stones is actively being studied.

Unlike struvite stones, calcium oxalate stones cannot be dissolved with special diets, and more aggressive treatment is needed. Your veterinarian may be able to induce the stones to pass by flushing the bladder with sterile fluids. If they fail to pass, or if they recur, then surgery may be needed. Called a cystotomy, the surgery to remove bladder stones involves making an incision through the belly. The bladder is lifted into view, opened, and stones are removed.

Cats that have formed a stone are at increased risk for recurrence, and your veterinarian may recommend medication or dietary changes to help prevent recurrence.

Urethral Obstruction
The most serious problem associated with urinary function is urethral obstruction. Urethral obstruction—when the cat's urethra becomes partly or totally blocked—is a potentially life-threatening condition and one of the most serious results of FLUTD. Urinary stones are only one of the causes of urethral obstructions. Another common cause is urethral plugs. Urethral plugs consist of a soft, compressible material that contains variable quantities of minerals, cells, and mucus-like protein.

Male and neutered male cats are at greater risk for obstruction than females, because their urethra is longer and narrower. Urethral obstruction is a true medical emergency, and any cat suspected of suffering from this condition must receive immediate veterinary attention. When the urethra is completely blocked, the kidneys are no longer able to remove toxins from the blood and maintain a proper balance of fluids and electrolytes in the body. If the obstruction is not relieved, the cat will eventually lose consciousness and die. Death most frequently occurs as a result of electrolyte imbalances, which ultimately cause heart failure. The time from complete obstruction until death may be less than twenty-four to forty-eight hours, so immediate treatment is essential.

A cat experiencing a urethral obstruction behaves similarly to any other cat with FLUTD: straining to urinate, frequently attempting to urinate, and producing little, if any, urine. However, as time passes, an obstructed cat typically becomes much more distressed—often crying out in pain.

Treatment of urethral obstruction usually involves catheterization, which is the passage of a narrow tube up the urethra, but other procedures are sometimes necessary. Unless the cat is comatose, catheterization usually requires sedation or anesthesia. After the obstruction has been relieved, treatment varies depending upon the condition of the cat. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance are treated with intravenous fluid therapy. Antibiotics may be given to combat bacteria, and drugs that help restore bladder function are sometimes required. Hospitalization may range from a few days to several weeks, depending on the severity and duration of the obstruction.

For cats who continue to experience urethral obstruction despite proper medical management, a surgical procedure called a perineal urethrostomy may be suggested. The surgery involves removing much of the penis and the narrow portion of the urethra, leaving a wider opening for the remaining portion. Side effects of surgery can include bleeding for up to ten days after surgery, narrowing at the surgical site, urinary incontinence, and a greater incidence of other kinds of bladder diseases. For these reasons, perineal urethrostomy is usually considered to be a last resort.

What can I do at home to prevent future occurrences?
A few unfortunate cats who have suffered from lower urinary tract disease will experience frequent recurrences of bladder inflammation, re-obstruction, or formation of uroliths. Fortunately, most others rarely experience the problem again or will have only occasional recurrences. Home care of cats who have suffered from lower urinary tract disease is determined by the cause, and varies depending on the cat's condition and history. Some steps can be taken, however, to help reduce the frequency of attacks and both the severity and duration of signs when the problem occurs:

Steps to Reduce Occurences and Signs of Lower Urinary Tract Disease
  • Feed small meals on a frequent basis. 
  • For cats with a history of struvite formation, owners should feed diets that promote the formation of urine that is acidic. Most commercial diets meet this criteria. Avoid supplementing such diets with additional urinary acidifiers, because over-acidification can cause metabolic acidosis, impaired kidney function, and mineral imbalance. 
  • Provide clean, fresh water at all times. 
  • Provide an adequate number of litter boxes (usually one more than the number of cats in the household). 
  • Keep litter boxes in quiet, safe areas of the house. 
  • Keep litter boxes clean. 
  • Minimize major changes in routine.
Signs of Lower Urinary Tract Disease
  • Straining to urinate. 
  • Frequent and/or prolonged attempts to urinate. 
  • Crying out while urinating. 
  • Excessive licking of the genital area. 
  • Urinating outside the litter box. 
  • Blood in the urine.
***Cats with a urethral obstruction will show the above signs but will pass little or no urine and will become increasingly distressed. A urethral obstruction is an absolute emergency, requiring immediate veterinary treatment.***

Source: American Association of Feline Practitioners and the Cornell Feline Health Center, Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Did You Know That Hair Loss in Cats Can Be Caused by Medical or Behavioral Issues?

Cat hair loss can be caused by medical or behavioral issues. There are different causes of hair loss in cats, some are quite normal, while others can indicate an illness that requires medical attention. Hair loss in cats is also known as "Alopecia," which means excessive loss of hair. Alopecia is not a disease, but a symptom.

Cats normally shed, with more hair loss during warm spring and early summer months. Although, excessive amounts of cat hair loss is not normal and can indicate some type of underlying disease.

Most Common Causes Of Cat Hair Loss:

Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Cats may experience flea bite hypersensitivity, which is caused by an intensive reaction to the saliva of the flea. They will go to any lengths to reach the agitated skin, including biting off hair in the bothersome areas. Common symptoms include extreme itching, redness, scaling, and hair loss. In some cases, the infected area can become infected, which will require more intensive treatment.


Some cats are also allergic to pollens and allergens like dust, mold, smoke and tree pollen. This causes redness and itching around the ears and feet. The cat will excessively lick and bite the skin which eventually leads to hair loss. Initial treatment include reducing the exposure to the allergen, steroids, anti-histamines and special shampoos. Your vet may also prescribe medication to temporarily relieve the worst of the itching. In most cases, the fur will grow back.

Poor Nutrition May Cause Cat Hair Loss:

Hair loss due to poor nutrition often affects the whole cat, although it may affect areas that are easily worn and over the back and hips where hair follicles have shorter growth cycles and longer inactive periods.

For a healthy hair, it is important that your cat food contain nutrients that support healthy hair and skin, such as: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Remember, poor nutrition will make your cat's hair dull, loosen, and it will fall out.

Food Allergy Dermatitis:

Another cause of cat hair loss is food allergy. Common food allergies are caused by grains (wheat, corn, soy), meats and fish (beef, lamb, pork, salmon), milk and yeast. In addition to hair loss, cats may also show other symptoms such as: reddened ears, excessive licking on the feet, itching and blistering and infection in certain areas. By feeding your cats with nutritious and balanced diet they will live a long and healthy life.


Hyperthyroidism is the most common endocrine (hormone) disorder that cats experience, which will cause hair loss, weight loss, and skin lesions. This disorder is diagnosed with a blood thyroid level check, and it can be easily controlled with medication or radioactive iodine therapy.


Ringworm can also cause cat hair loss. Cats can contract ringworm directly through contact with an infected animal, or indirectly through contact with contaminated bedding, dishes, toys and other materials. Your veterinarian can perform tests and determine if your cat has been infected by this fungi. In cats and dogs, common symptoms of ringworm in include skin lesions that typically appear on the head, ears and forelimbs. Ringworm can cause flaky bald patches that sometimes look red in the center.

Psychogenic Dermatitis:

Psychogenic dermatitis, also called feline psychogenic alopecia, occurs when a cat licks himself excessively, due to anxiety, stress, fear, or boredom. The excessive liking can cause cat hair loss, skin irritation, and open sores.

Be sure to identify and address the stress factor or factors that is causing your cat to experience psychogenic dermatitis. If your cat developed open sores, your veterinarian can prescribe oral or via injection medications that are designed to stop your cat from licking. In addition to medications, you can also use bandages or obstructing collars. Remember, to prevent this issue, be sure to identify and remediate any and all environmental factors that is causing stress to your cat.

How is the cause of cat hair loss diagnosed?

If you notice your cat losing its fur and you believe it is more than usual, it is best to take your cat to the vet to get a diagnosis for the loss of hair. Your veterinarian will perform a complete physical examination and pay take a closer look to the area. He will ask you questions, such as: if the cat has been scratching, itching, how long it has had symptoms, if it has recently had any medication (topical flea/worming products, injection etc).

Other diagnostic tests include:

Fungus culture - To look for ringworm.
Food elimination trial - Your veterinarian will place your cat on a food trial which usually lasts between 8-12 weeks. During this time, you must refrain from giving your cat any other foods, vitamins, minerals or chewable medications apart from the prescribed diet.
Specific blood tests to check for hyperthyroidism.
Specific blood tests to check for Cushing's disease.
Skin scrapings - These are studied under a microscope to look for mites.

Once a diagnosis is made, the vet will be able to prescribe the necessary medication to prevent further loss of hair.

Please note, this is purely informational, the best source of advice and treatment regarding cat's hair loss, is your veterinarian.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Have You Ever Lost a Pet? Then You Know The Stress of Looking for Them: Download and Place This Door Hanger with Your Pet's Picture on All Neighbors' Doors

If you have ever lost a pet, you know the stress of trying to make up posters. I am sharing a handy template, from the Seattle Animal Shelter.

Place these door hangers with your pet's picture on all of your neighbors' doors.

Search your neighborhood. Talk with neighbors, local veterinarians, delivery drivers and postal carriers. Don't forget about newspaper deliverers that work early in the morning.

Printout Here:

To open Pdf download, click here: Lost Pet Door Hanger

This is what the door hanger looks like:


Sunday, July 8, 2018

Did You Know That Goldfish Were One of the First Fish Species to Be Kept in Ponds by Humans

Did you know that the goldfish are one of the most common type of pets in the world? They were one of the first fish species to be kept in ponds by humans. By nature, goldfish are social creatures and prefer to live with other goldfish.

Many people think that goldfish are pets for someone who doesn't have much time for pet care. The lifespan of your goldfish depend upon how much care you provide goldfish.  If cared for properly your goldfish could live for many years!

Goldfish start off small, but grow to be quite large, sometimes even a foot long, if you take good care of them. First time goldfish keepers usually buy a small tank or bowl to house their goldfish, only to discover that they need to keep buying ever-larger replacement tanks. You should buy a large enough tank at the beginning. You should provide a 20 to 30 gallon tank for your fish. Then add at least 10 gallons to that volume for each additional goldfish you might add. They grow large, excrete a lot of waste and need room to swim in order to be happy!

Food:    Goldfish like a diet of flakes, pellets, wafers and sticks

Goldfish Facts:

Do goldfish have ears? They have internal ear bones called an otolith that can feel vibrations. Avoid tapping on the glass since it will stress or even kill them.

A goldfish can survive in an outdoor pond where water temperatures dip down below 40*F (5*C). Some ponds might even freeze over during the winter and the goldfish still survive through to the spring.


Saturday, June 23, 2018

Pets and Estate Planning

What happens if you die before your cat or dog? It’s a question being addressed increasingly as more people are including pets in their estate planning.

In the eyes of the law pets are property. But ask any pet guardian – otherwise known as a pet  owner – if Fido or Fluffy is on equal footing with their other possessions and most will say ‘no.’ Increasingly, dogs, cats and other companion animals are the subject of bitter custody fights when couples divorce, and are gaining the upper paw when it comes to estate planning.

While the law classifies pets as property, it does recognize that they’re qualitatively different than, say, a sofa or nightstand or the ’69 Camaro you painstakingly restored. In fact, it’s a crime in all 50 states to abandon an animal, an issue brought into sharp and painful relief during the ongoing home foreclosure crisis. Many animals die when once-responsible owners feel they have no choice but to abandon their pets, falsely assuming that someone from the bank will quickly come to their animals’ rescue. Rarely is this the case and a once-beloved family member is literally left to die.

To read more on this story, click here: Pets and Estate Planning


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Former Ravens Defensive Tackle Terrence Cody: Sentenced to Nine Months in County Jail, After He Was Convicted on Misdemeanor Animal Cruelty Charges

Former Ravens defensive tackle Terrence Cody was sentenced to nine months in county jail, after he was convicted on misdemeanor animal cruelty charges.

According to Alison Knezevich of the Baltimore Sun, Cody faced more than two years in jail. He was convicted in November of two misdemeanor drug charges and multiple misdemanors regarding the death of his dog Taz.

Prosecutors said the dog was starved to death. He was also convicted of illegally possessing an alligator (of course).

The Ravens drafted Cody in the second round in 2010. He only played one game in 2014, and was released last February.

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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Woman Spends $141,598.35 A Year Taking Care 122 Abandoned Cats

Bromley, Kentucky  - A mother-of-two has revealed how she spends $141,598.35 a year looking after more than 120 rescue cats.

Silvana Valentino-Locke, 55, even employs two live-in 'cat nannies' to look after her pet posse at her home.

Even more surprising than the dozens of cats and jaw-dropping care costs, Mrs. Valentino-Locke, who has been married to Tony for 32 years, says her spouse does not mind her cat obsession.

“Every man who comes to adopt a cat always asks, do you have a husband? They can't believe anyone would tolerate all these cats,” she told The Mirror.
Luckily Tony works long hours so he doesn't see all the work of caring for them.

Mrs. Valentino-Locke began turning their home into a rescue center more than 20 years ago, adding that it 'reached full potential' in 1998 and became the Romney House Cat Rescue.

She now has 52 cats living with her and Tony in their four-bedroom home, with some 30-40 waiting to find new homes, housed in a number of garden sheds which have been converted into cat houses.

Mrs. Valentino-Locke, who has two sons with Tony Jr., age 27, and Daniel, 30. Tony has also taken in some 30 'feral' cats, who all live and roam free in a neighboring field.

Caring for the 122 cats, which constantly changes as kittens are born and cats adopted - is a full-time job and a costly one.

She spends approximately $786.66 per week on the daily feeds. With 12 litter trays to change every day, the cost of litter alone is $47.20 per day.

She employs two live-in 'cat nannies', who are paid $393.33 a week plus food and board, and can spend as much as  $7,079.92 a-month on veterinary bills.

She is devoted to the cause of caring for the cats, and gets up at 6.30 a.m. every morning to take care of them. Sometimes she doesn’t get to bed until after midnight.

The annual total of $141,598.35 is funded 50% by Tony, who runs a courier film, with the rest covered by donations, fundraising drives and her charity shop.

Despite the 52 cats sharing a home with her and Tony, she refuses to let her obsession affect her standards. With the help of her staff, the couple's Kent home is cleaned from top to bottom, twice a day. 

“It takes about an hour and a half. We mop every floor and clean furniture,” she told The Mirror.

“It's a long, exhausting job. The phone is always ringing with people who have cats that need to be rescued.” she said.

Her life with her 122 cats has now become the subject of a Channel 5 documentary, called ‘90 Cats & Counting: Cat Crazies’, set to air on Wednesday, July 1.  


Saturday, June 6, 2015

Marijuana Can Be Quite Harmful to Our Four-Legged Friends: Learn the Signs of Marijuana Toxicity

Marijuana can be quite harmful to our four-legged friends. Learn the signs of marijuana toxicity and what to do if your pet accidentally ingests the recreational drug.

Whether you live in a state where marijuana use has become legal or not, our pets may find a way to get their paws on the drug. It’s actually so common that Trupanion, a pet medical insurance company, has paid more than $78,000 in suspected marijuana claims to date. The drug, which acts as a depressant in humans, can adversely affect our pets if accidentally ingested. If you want to know what to do in the worst-case scenario, or you suspect your pet has already ingested marijuana, read on to find out what signs to look for and important actions you can take to protect him. 

If you suspect your pet has ingested marijuana, have him evaluated by a veterinarian as quickly as possible.

How Pets Get Exposed
One of the most common toxicities that vets at The Animal Medical Center's Emergency Service in New York City encounter is confirmed or suspected marijuana exposure. The vast majority of cases are dogs, according to The Animal Medical Center, but any pet with access to marijuana can ingest it and present with similar clinical signs. Ingestion is the most common source of toxicity; however, if exposed to significant amounts of marijuana smoke, minor to moderate clinical signs can be seen, says Christine Keyserling, DVM, who works in emergency and critical care at The Animal Medical Center.

THC, which is found in higher concentrations in cannabis meant for humans, is the part of the plant that is most toxic to pets, explains Trupanion’s Chief Veterinary Officer, Kerri Marshall, DVM. “If your pet does ingest THC-filled marijuana, please don’t wait it out,” Marshall urges. “Take them to the veterinarian.”

The Signs
In dogs, clinical signs typically begin 30 to 90 minutes after the marijuana has been eaten. Dogs generally recover from marijuana intoxication with no long-term effects, but if not treated, it could result in a more serious outcome. The most common clinical signs associated with marijuana ingestion include dullness and ataxia (drunken gait), according to Keyserling. Additional clinical signs include vomiting, urinary incontinence (dribbling), low body temperature, slow heart rate and hyper-reactivity to stimuli. In the most severe cases, these clinical signs can progress to seizures and/or coma, Keyserling says. Your pet also may have ingested marijuana if you notice him acting lethargic or depressed along with any other of these symptoms.

Be Honest With Your Vet
The symptoms of marijuana intoxication can be symptoms of far more serious conditions. “If you think your dog has ingested marijuana, do not hesitate to tell your veterinarian,” Marshall says. “Being open can help your veterinarian eliminate more serious conditions and prevent testing needed to rule out other causes.” At the end of the day, it’s best to be upfront about the situation so you don’t waste any time getting your pet the help he needs.

Preventing Exposure
The best way to keep your pet safe is to prevent him from coming in contact with the marijuana in the first place. “Pet owners with marijuana in the house should keep their stash away from their pets,” Marshall says. Consider keeping marijuana in a closed container and then put the container away in a drawer or cabinet. "Please keep in mind that dogs have much better senses of smell than us and they are able to find and pick things up off the street or other public spaces — sometimes without you even seeing them eat anything,” Keyserling says. “If you ever notice any of the above clinical signs or any small behavioral changes in your pet, please do not hesitate to have them evaluated by a veterinarian as quickly as possible.”

Medical Marijuana Use In Pets
Anecdotal cases have shown healing benefits in pets, according to Marshall. The drug has been used as a pain reliever and to ease adverse effects from cancer medications and old age. “The Trupanion coverage plan covers medicinal marijuana for pets and other herbal therapies specifically recommended by veterinarians to help your pet manage pain or help them through cancer and tumor treatments,” Marshall says. Currently, veterinarians cannot prescribe marijuana to pets. However, Nevada is debating a bill that would enable pet owners to obtain medical marijuana for their sick pets with their vet’s approval.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Puppy Born with a Total of Eight Limbs in Vaini of Tonga in the Pacific Ocean

Incredible photographs reveal a newborn puppy has two bodies joined at the chest with two sets of front legs, two sets of back legs, and two tails.

The black and white puppy was born with a total of eight limbs in Vaini of Tonga in the Pacific Ocean on Wednesday and was one of her five siblings to have any abnormalities.

Vukitangitau Maloni, from Tonga, who took the images soon after she was born, said the whole community was shocked and speechless at the animals extra legs.

“I've never seen anything like this before,”  Mr. Maloni told Daily Mail Australia.

“She was struggling to crawl and unfortunately, she died a few hours later. My neighbor's dog gave birth to five other healthy puppies but she was the cutest out of them.”

Veterinary nurse Erica Fairleigh, from Wollongong, NSW, said most deformed animals don't usually survive beyond a few hours after birth.

“Without very good veterinary care, the pup would have died quickly unfortunately,” Ms. Fairleigh told Daily Mail Australia.

“I've never seen or heard of any dogs born this way but it could be a result of many factors such as poor genetics and bad nutrition during gestation.

It looks like two pups that didn't quite separate and there are deformities in the face too like a cleft pallet. Her face looks quite blue, which are signs of not enough oxygen.

I can see her umbilical cord still attached and she looks no more than 12 hours old.

It's hard to tell what breed she is but she's a big puppy though. So a medium-large breed such as a Staffordshire bull terrier or similar.”

An animal scientist from Wagga Wagga, NSW, who chose to remain anonymous, confirmed the authenticity of the photographs to Daily Mail Australia.

“You can tell the photographs are real by looking at the split in her nose - indicating that something occurred bilaterally,” he told Daily Mail Australia.

“Animals born with abnormal features are quite common in sheep and cattle but it's pretty rare in dogs.” He said.


Sunday, May 31, 2015

Cat-Scratch Disease: A Bacterial Infection Spread by Cats

Cat-scratch disease (CSD) is a bacterial infection spread by cats. The disease spreads when an infected cat licks a person's open wound, or bites or scratches a person hard enough to break the surface of the skin. 

About three to 14 days after the skin is broken, a mild infection can occur at the site of the scratch or bite. The infected area may appear swollen and red with round, raised lesions and can have pus. The infection can feel warm or painful. 

A person with CSD may also have a fever, headache, poor appetite, and exhaustion. Later, the person's lymph nodes closest to the original scratch or bite can become swollen, tender, or painful.

A person with Cat Scratch Disease. The lymph node nearest to the location of the scratch is swollen.

Wash cat bites and scratches well with soap and running water. Do not allow cats to lick your wounds. Contact your doctor if you develop any symptoms of cat-scratch disease or infection.

CSD is caused by a bacterium called Bartonella henselae. About 40% of cats carry B. henselae at some time in their lives, although most cats with this infection show NO signs of illness. Kittens younger than 1 year are more likely to have B. henselae infection and to spread the germ to people. Kittens are also more likely to scratch and bite while they play and learn how to attack prey.

How cats and people become infected

Cats can get infected with B. henselae from flea bites and flea dirt (droppings) getting into their wounds. By scratching and biting at the fleas, cats pick up the infected flea dirt under their nails and between their teeth. Cats can also become infected by fighting with other cats that are infected. The germ spreads to people when infected cats bite or scratch a person hard enough to break their skin. The germ can also spread when infected cats lick at wounds or scabs that you may have.

Serious but rare complications:


Although rare, CSD can cause people to have serious complications. CSD can affect the brain, eyes, heart, or other internal organs. These rare complications, which may require intensive treatment, are more likely to occur in children younger than 5 years and people with weakened immune systems.


Most cats with B. henselae infection show NO signs of illness, but on rare occasions this disease can cause inflammation of the heart—making cats very sick with labored breathing. B. henselae infection may also develop in the mouth, urinary system, or eyes. Your veterinarian may find that some of your cat's other organs may be inflamed.



  • Wash cat bites and scratches right away with soap and running water.
  • Wash your hands with soap and running water after playing with your cat, especially if you live with young children or people with weakened immune systems.
  • Since cats less than one year of age are more likely to have CSD and spread it to people, persons with a weakened immune system should adopt cats older than one year of age.
Do not:
  • Play rough with your pets because they may scratch and bite.
  • Allow cats to lick your open wounds.
  • Pet or touch stray or feral cats.


Control fleas:

  • Keep your cat's nails trimmed.
  • Apply a flea product (topical or oral medication) approved by your veterinarian once a month.
  • BEWARE: Over-the-counter flea products may not be safe for cats. Check with your veterinarian before applying ANY flea product to make sure it is safe for your cat and your family.
  • Check for fleas by using a flea comb on your cat to inspect for flea dirt.
  • Control fleas in your home by
  • Vacuuming frequently
  • Contacting a pest-control agent if necessary
  • Protect your cat's health

Schedule routine veterinary health check-ups.

Keep cats indoors to:
  • Decrease their contact with fleas
  • Prevent them from fighting with stray or potentially infected animals
Available Tests and Treatments:


Talk to your doctor about testing and treatments for CSD. People are only tested for CSD when the disease is severe and the doctor suspects CSD based on the patient's symptoms. CSD is typically not treated in otherwise healthy people.


Talk to your veterinarian about testing and treatments for your cat. Your veterinarian can tell you whether your cat requires testing or treatment.


A Woman Says She Went Blind in One Eye After Her Cat Licked Her

A doctor says Janese Walters lost her sight due to "cat scratch disease", caused by the Bartonella henselae bacteria.

A woman has told how she went blind in one eye after her cat licked her.

Janese Toledo says she woke up one morning and couldn't see out of her left eye.

Now, after a month of visiting the doctor, she has finally been given an explanation for her loss of sight - her cat.

A doctor says Ms. Walters' blindness was caused by a condition called "cat scratch disease", which occurs when a feline passes on a bacteria, either through its saliva or fur.

Reliving her nightmare, Ms. Walters, from Toledo, Ohio, told local news channel WTOL: “I woke up one day and I couldn’t see out of my left eye.
“I looked in the mirror and I thought I had pink eye or something.”
Cat scratch disease is caused by the Bartonella henselae bacteria, which is carried by roughly 40% of felines.

The majority of infected animals do not show symptoms, according to the Center for Disease Control.

Dr. Kris Brickman, of the University of Toledo's College of Medicine and Life Sciences, told the media outlet cat scratch disease can affect a person's eyesight.

In addition, it can “cause some liver problems and can get into the spinal fluids and create meningitis.”
