The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too

Sunday, February 2, 2020

12-Year-Old Boy Builds Dumped Disabled Puppy A Lego Wheelchair

When Gracie was just a newborn puppy, her – insert profanity here – owners threw her away like garbage. And as a result, when she was rescued, the poor thing was covered in maggots. She was also missing the hair below her eyes. Her rescuers also realized that she was missing her front legs as a result of a birth defect. No one could tell what hardships she’d faced in her young life, but they knew that Gracie was in for a tough fight.

Gracie was eventually adopted by the Turley family – a family who happen to run a shelter of their own. The family already had a paralyzed dog and a 3-legged Chihuahua, so sweet little Gracie seemed to be a perfect fit for the family. However, the Turley family worried about Gracie’s mobility since she was a growing puppy and wouldn’t yet be eligible for a wheelchair fitting.

To read more on this story, click here: 12-Year-Old Boy Builds Dumped Disabled Puppy A Lego Wheelchair


Australian Army Soldiers Are Cuddling Bushfire-Injured Koalas On Their Days Off

Australian Army soldiers are becoming professional koala cuddlers in their downtime and it’s adorable

This season’s bushfires in Australia have produced countless heartbreaking stories and images, as the continent has been fighting the flames for weeks and losing millions of their native wild animals in the process. Koalas have been hit particularly hard with thousands dying and many being brought to wildlife rehab centers to recover from injuries sustained in the fires. The Australian Army is stepping in to help by using their days off to help snuggle the animals and it’s exactly as heartwarming as you’d think.

#OurPeople from 16th Regiment Emergency Support Force have used their rest periods to lend a helping hand at the Cleland Wildlife Park, supporting our furry friends during feeding time and by building climbing mounts inside the park,” reads a caption from a post on the Australian Army Facebook page.

To read more on this story, click here: Australian Army Soldiers Are Cuddling Bushfire-Injured Koalas On Their Days Off


Dozens of Koalas Found Dead or Injured at a Timber Plantation in Australia

Scores of koalas have been found dead at a timber plantation in Australia after loggers allegedly bulldozed the area.

Animal welfare charity Animals Australia said the animals had taken refuge in a bluegum plantation in Portland, Victoria after losing their habitats to the recent bushfires.

Pictures circulating on social media over the weekend showed dozens of dead koalas lying on the ground at the site.

To read more on this story, click here: Dozens of Koalas Found Dead or Injured at a Timber Plantation in Australia


Adorable French Bulldog Puppies Sitting In Cups

Had to share these adorable puppies!

                                                        Click arrow 2 times to start video


Saturday, February 1, 2020

People Who Talk To Their Pets Are Smarter Than Those Who Don’t

I admit it: I talk to my pets. I even have a different voice for each one. My non-animal friends think it’s silly and more than a little crazy to carry on these one-sided conversations. But Nicholas Epley, professor of behavioral science at the University of Chicago, disagrees. He feels it’s perfectly normal to engage in this behavior, and it may actually indicate a higher level of social cognition.

Epley is the author of Mindwise: How We Understand What Others Think, Believe, Feel, and Want. He is considered one of the world’s foremost experts on the phenomenon of anthropomorphism – the tendency to assign human thoughts, feelings or characteristics to a non-human object or being.

Anthropomorphism is common in children, who are able to amuse themselves for hours on end talking to imaginary friends and toys. It’s perfectly healthy behavior, and helps them to develop the social skills they will need later in life.

To read more on this story, click here: People Who Talk To Their Pets Are Smarter Than Those Who Don’t


Dying Zoo Keeper Receives Goodbye Kisses from Giraffes He Cared 25-Years For

Having spent his entire working life at the Rotterdam’s Diergaarde Blijdorp Zoo, 54-year-old Mario just had one final request as he battled cancer. He wanted to see his friends one last time. With the help of the Ambulance Wish Foundation, Mario’s wish came true.

Mario had committed 25 years to care for these majestic creatures, and now entered the zoo for the last time. After entering the giraffe enclosure, it only took a few minutes for the giraffes to recognize the man who had faithfully tended to them for years. 

To read more on this story, click here: Dying Zoo Keeper Receives Goodbye Kisses from Giraffes He Cared 25-Years For


Golden Retriever Meets New Baby Sister And His Precious Reaction Has Been Viewed By Over 9M

Seeing siblings meet for the first time is always heartwarming, but this is just flat-out adorable. When this golden retriever meets his biological baby sister for the first time, he immediately starts to play with her and their interaction is all caught on video.

There’s a reason this video went massively viral, you’ll watch it over and over again!

To read more on this story and see the video, click here: Golden Retriever Meets New Baby Sister And His Precious Reaction Has Been Viewed By Over 9M


Monday, January 13, 2020

Veterinarians Reveal 10 Of The Most Common Mistakes Pet Owners Make

Veterinarians told Insider about some common pet-care mistakes many owners make. 

Giving your cat or dog medication that's meant for humans could be fatal.

Letting your dog meet new dogs face-first may not always be appropriate.

Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. 

Helping your pet live their best life isn't always easy. 

But there are a few ways you could unknowingly be making their life a bit more difficult or even be missing out key warning signs related to their health. 

Here are common mistakes pet owners make and how to fix them, according to veterinarians. 

You should never try to cut matted fur out of a pet's ear.

If long-haired dogs and cats aren't regularly groomed the fur on their ears can become thickly matted — but that doesn't mean you should grab your scissors and chop it off. 

"Matts are difficult to brush or comb out, so sometimes pet owners decide to take matters into their own hands and cut them out with scissors," Christie Long, veterinarian and head of veterinary medicine at Modern Animal, told Insider. "This is a mistake. Because it can be difficult to determine where the matt ends and the ear itself begins, it's easy to cut the ear."

The best way to deal with matted fur is to use a soft-bristled brush to gently comb out the matt. If this isn't possible — or you have an uncooperative pet — a trip a professional groomer may be in order. 

Socializing your new puppy early is vital.

To read more on this story, click here: Veterinarians Reveal 10 Of The Most Common Mistakes Pet Owners Make 
