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Monday, October 8, 2018

The Budgie Bird - One of the Most Owned Parrots Around the World

Do you know what a budgie is? If you live in the United States you probably know it as being a parakeet. Budgies and parakeets are actually one in the same. The term parakeet is a generic label used to describe any small, parrot-like bird that has a long tail.

The Budgie/Parakeet is one of the most owned little parrots around the world. They are a favorite with many pet bird owners because they are small, capable of singing, talking and they are relatively easy to care for.

The Budgie short for Budgerigar are a native to Australia, and belong to the parrot family. They are colorful and graceful. They come in a variety of sizes from small to medium. They have long tapered tail feathers, and are full of energy. The average life-span of a budgie is generally 2-7 years, although there are some that have lived to 13 and ever older. Some budgies die before their first birthday. There are many factors that can affect the lifespan on a budgie. Many budgies die from natural causes like tumors, unfortunately they are very susceptible to them. Although budgies are often called parakeets, they are actually birds of the species Melopsittacus Undulatus.

How to tell the sex of your pet budgie:

The color of the cere, the fleshy area above its beak where its nostrils are is the best indicator of a pet budgie's sex. A male budgie will typically have a blue cere or it may be pink or pinkish purple in color. A female budgie will usually have a brown, white, light beige, or a reddish cere. Female budgies also have whitish rings around their nostrils.

While green is the most common color, budgies are bred to produce many color mutations. These colors are categorized primarily by shades of blue or green. Most budgies have striped bars on their wings.

Foods you should never give your budgie:
Never give your budgie alcohol, avocado or chocolate - these can kill your parrot! Also avoid asparagus, eggplant, cabbage, caffeine products, junk food, milk and cream, raw potato, and rhubarb (including the leaves).

Foods you can feed your budgie:
Radishes; turnips; carrots (root and tops); cooked sweet potatoes; radicchio;endive; mustard & dandelion greens; swiss chard; kale; parsley; cooked red potatoes; green beans; bok choy; tomato; sweet red & green, and other types of peppers; cauliflower;broccoli (head and leaves); beet & turnip greens; kohlrabi; sugar snap or snow peas; squash (peeled & steamed); red beets (peeled); romaine or green/red leaf lettuce; collard greens; corn; cucumber.

Apples;berries; kiwi; mango; cantaloupe; honeydew; pineapple; cherries; cranberries;
banana; pears; peaches; oranges; pomegranate; tangerines; grapefruit; papaya; grapes;

Make sure that you wash all vegetables and fruits thoroughly before feeding. Remove the pits, and all seeds from the fruit. Any vegetables and fruits left uneaten should be discarded daily so that it does not spoil. Since vegetables and fruits are high in water content, the urine portion of the droppings will increase.

Your bird’s cage needs to be big enough for them to stretch and flap their wings without hitting the walls or any hanging toys. The bigger the better. No smaller than 12"x18"x18". Make sure that the spacing between the bars is no wider than 1/2-inch wide. Any wider than that and a budgie could squeeze through the bars and escape, or get stuck in the bars.

The decision to own a budgie should be considered carefully. Please consider the facts below before buying a budgie:
  • Budgies needs daily exercise or it will soon become overweight.
  • Budgies are highly active and need a variety of toys to play with and chew on.
  • You should allow your budgie out of the cage for at least an hour a day to fly around and explore.
  • Males seem to be more "talkative" than females.
  • They have the ability to speak 100’s of words.
  • They often have a favorite person, and that will be the person they will cuddle with.
  • They do bite, and their bites feel like a hard pinch.
  • Make sure that you socialize your bird when you bring it home so that it will be comfortable with many people handling them.
  • A budgie might get somewhat loud is if it hears a bird outside and will call to it.
  • Avoid mirrors in the cage until after you have tamed your budgie. They will think it's another bird and may bond to it instead of you.

How to Clicker Train Your Pet Rat

The domestic rat is a descendant of the wild brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) and has been bred as a pet for about a hundred years. Pet rats are much less fearful than their wild cousins, and when handled gently, they quickly learn to enjoy riding on their human friends’ shoulders and napping in their laps.

Rats like to please their people, are natural problem solvers and hate being bored. So both you and your rats should enjoy the process of teaching them to do tricks. Your rats will probably think they are successfully training you. As well as enhancing the quality of their lives, training your rats will build the bond between you. And you'll look cool showing off to non-rat owners what your little furry companions can do.


What Every Ferret Owner Should Know about Insulinomas

What is an Insulinoma? 

Tumors of the pancreas (insulinoma) can cause excess secretion of insulin, thus lowering the blood glucose (sugar) level to a point that a ferret can become ill. Unfortunately, this is a relatively common problem in middle aged and older ferrets.

Some ferrets do not show any symptoms while others exhibit lethargy and weakness. There might be a decrease in appetite and weight loss. These symptoms might even come and go over a period of months. Some ferrets will have increased salivation and even a glazed appearance to the eyes, and might even collapse or have seizures.

Some ferrets are diagnosed as having an insulinoma when an abdominal surgery is being performed for other reasons (adrenal gland disease, spay, liver disease ). This is especially true for the ferrets that are not showing any symptoms of this disease. For those ferrets that are symptomatic of insulinoma, the diagnosis is made based on history, examination findings, and diagnostic tests.


Why Do Cats Paw At Their Water Bowl?

We all know how our cats have their own funny and quirky personalities.  Some cats pounce more than others, while other cats jump in boxes.  And, then, some cats have to paw their water and stir it all around before they even drink it!  Why, in fact, do our cats’ paw at their water bowl?

Cats will sometimes paw at the water bowl to check the water levels

Your cat may use her paw to find where the water is in the bowl.  The close up vision of cats is much weaker than their long distance vision so when he or she is right in front of the water dish, she might not see the water level.  Therefore, by checking where the water starts and moving it will cause the water to ripple and splash. Once your kitty is satisfied where the water is, then he or she will commence.

Cats just want to have fun!

Cats like to play.  Moving the water with a paw may be one way a kitty keeps herself entertained. If your cat likes to do this, you might think of investing in a pet water fountain.  That way, you can keep your cat entertained and you won’t have to clean up all the water on the kitchen floor!

Your cat might be expecting moving water

If your cat regularly drinks from the sink, then he or she will expect water to move. So when water is still in a dish, it can be unsettling for you kitty who then feels the need to give it a whack or a push.

To read more on this story, click here: Why Do Cats Paw At Their Water Bowl?


Personality and Pain in Animal End of Life Care

Why it is so important to treat each animal as an individual.

How Ethology Can Help Improve End of Life Care for Animal Patients: Part 1 in a 3 Part Series

Pain is arguably the most important clinical and ethical issue in end of life care for companion animals. Research suggests that many companion animals—perhaps numbering in the millions—are not being treated for pain or are being treated inadequately. [i] A significant portion of missed diagnoses, misdiagnoses, undertreatment, and overtreatment likely can be tied to incorrect behavioral assessments, particularly on the part of pet owners but also, perhaps, on the part of veterinarians.

Pain is a quintessentially personal experience. Indeed, the most common medical definition of pain is “what the person says it is.” A large body of research has explored how the experience and expression of pain can be influenced by gender, age, past experiences, and cognitive priming. Even individual personality can influence how people experience and express pain. For example, people who rate high on “extraversion” are more likely to express their experience of pain yet may, at the same time, experience pain less intensely than introverted individuals. People who score high on “neuroticism” have higher emotional stress responses to pain than those who score low. [ii] A similar dynamic appears to be at work in nonhuman animals, with individual personality shaping the experience and expression of pain. (Personality can be understood as individual differences in behavior that remain stable over time.) This has important implications for the assessment and effective treatment of animal pain.

To read more on this story, click here: Personality and Pain in Animal End of Life Care


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Thinking About Getting A Pet Rabbit? Please Visit The 'House Rabbit Society's' Website For Information on Purchasing and Caring for a Pet Rabbit

House Rabbit Society is an international, nonprofit animal welfare organization based in Richmond, California. Our mission has two parts:

Through our fostering program, volunteers rescue abandoned rabbits and find permanent adoptive homes for them.

Through education, we seek to reduce the number of unwanted rabbits — and to improve bunnies’ lives — by helping people better understand these often misunderstood companion animals.

In line with our mission, we are against the exploitation of rabbits.

To visit their website, click here: Thinking About Getting A Pet Rabbit? FOLLOW US!

Did You Know That Hair Loss in Cats Can Be Caused by Medical or Behavioral Issues?

Cat hair loss can be caused by medical or behavioral issues. There are different causes of hair loss in cats, some are quite normal, while others can indicate an illness that requires medical attention. Hair loss in cats is also known as "Alopecia," which means excessive loss of hair. Alopecia is not a disease, but a symptom.

Cats normally shed, with more hair loss during warm spring and early summer months. Although, excessive amounts of cat hair loss is not normal and can indicate some type of underlying disease.

Most Common Causes Of Cat Hair Loss:

Flea Allergy Dermatitis
Cats may experience flea bite hypersensitivity, which is caused by an intensive reaction to the saliva of the flea. They will go to any lengths to reach the agitated skin, including biting off hair in the bothersome areas. Common symptoms include extreme itching, redness, scaling, and hair loss. In some cases, the infected area can become infected, which will require more intensive treatment.


Some cats are also allergic to pollens and allergens like dust, mold, smoke and tree pollen. This causes redness and itching around the ears and feet. The cat will excessively lick and bite the skin which eventually leads to hair loss. Initial treatment include reducing the exposure to the allergen, steroids, anti-histamines and special shampoos. Your vet may also prescribe medication to temporarily relieve the worst of the itching. In most cases, the fur will grow back.

Poor Nutrition May Cause Cat Hair Loss:

Hair loss due to poor nutrition often affects the whole cat, although it may affect areas that are easily worn and over the back and hips where hair follicles have shorter growth cycles and longer inactive periods.

For a healthy hair, it is important that your cat food contain nutrients that support healthy hair and skin, such as: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Remember, poor nutrition will make your cat's hair dull, loosen, and it will fall out.

Food Allergy Dermatitis:

Another cause of cat hair loss is food allergy. Common food allergies are caused by grains (wheat, corn, soy), meats and fish (beef, lamb, pork, salmon), milk and yeast. In addition to hair loss, cats may also show other symptoms such as: reddened ears, excessive licking on the feet, itching and blistering and infection in certain areas. By feeding your cats with nutritious and balanced diet they will live a long and healthy life.


Hyperthyroidism is the most common endocrine (hormone) disorder that cats experience, which will cause hair loss, weight loss, and skin lesions. This disorder is diagnosed with a blood thyroid level check, and it can be easily controlled with medication or radioactive iodine therapy.


Ringworm can also cause cat hair loss. Cats can contract ringworm directly through contact with an infected animal, or indirectly through contact with contaminated bedding, dishes, toys and other materials. Your veterinarian can perform tests and determine if your cat has been infected by this fungi. In cats and dogs, common symptoms of ringworm in include skin lesions that typically appear on the head, ears and forelimbs. Ringworm can cause flaky bald patches that sometimes look red in the center.

Psychogenic Dermatitis:

Psychogenic dermatitis, also called feline psychogenic alopecia, occurs when a cat licks himself excessively, due to anxiety, stress, fear, or boredom. The excessive liking can cause cat hair loss, skin irritation, and open sores.

Be sure to identify and address the stress factor or factors that is causing your cat to experience psychogenic dermatitis. If your cat developed open sores, your veterinarian can prescribe oral or via injection medications that are designed to stop your cat from licking. In addition to medications, you can also use bandages or obstructing collars. Remember, to prevent this issue, be sure to identify and remediate any and all environmental factors that is causing stress to your cat.

How is the cause of cat hair loss diagnosed?

If you notice your cat losing its fur and you believe it is more than usual, it is best to take your cat to the vet to get a diagnosis for the loss of hair. Your veterinarian will perform a complete physical examination and pay take a closer look to the area. He will ask you questions, such as: if the cat has been scratching, itching, how long it has had symptoms, if it has recently had any medication (topical flea/worming products, injection etc).

Other diagnostic tests include:

Fungus culture - To look for ringworm.
Food elimination trial - Your veterinarian will place your cat on a food trial which usually lasts between 8-12 weeks. During this time, you must refrain from giving your cat any other foods, vitamins, minerals or chewable medications apart from the prescribed diet.
Specific blood tests to check for hyperthyroidism.
Specific blood tests to check for Cushing's disease.
Skin scrapings - These are studied under a microscope to look for mites.

Once a diagnosis is made, the vet will be able to prescribe the necessary medication to prevent further loss of hair.

Please note, this is purely informational, the best source of advice and treatment regarding cat's hair loss, is your veterinarian.

A Disgusting Practice Is Killing Horses By The Thousands And No One Is Talking About It

As an animal lover, I’m appalled by a dark secret that is being kept for lucrative reasons. Unwanted horses are being imported, by the thousands, in a cruel fashion, loaded in cramped crates then flown across the ocean to Japan. Week by week, the horses are loaded from Edmonton and Calgary airports in Alberta and the Winnipeg airport in Manitoba.

Japan imported 6.5 million pounds of horsemeat in 2016. The horses are being used for one specific purpose, a sushi dish called basashi.

“The meat needs to be consumed within three days after being slaughtered in order to be eaten as sushi,” Ewa Demianowicz, campaign manager for Humane Society International, told The Dodo.

Horses are also used for their oil that is put in beauty products and sold all over Japan and South Korea.

To read more on this story, click here: A Disgusting Practice Is Killing Horses By The Thousands And No One Is Talking About It


Friday, October 5, 2018

In Texas, A Woman Just Shot Her Husband For Beating The Family Cat

Over the weekend, Dallas Police found itself dealing with one of its stranger cases in recent memory, when a 47-year-old woman fatally shot her husband in defense of the family cat.

The scene unfolded on Saturday morning, but confessed-shooter-and-sole-survivor, Mary Harrison, says that incident stems from her deceased husband’s repeated abuse of a beloved family pet. The victim, Dexter Harrison, allegedly beat the poor animal repeatedly, so much so that it finally ran away.

Worried sick, Mary plastered their Dallas neighborhood with “missing pet” pictures, and a well-meaning neighbor ultimately located the animal. Unfortunately, Dexter resumed his abuse as soon as the cat was returned home, which led his frustrated wife to finally shoot him in an effort to stop the abuse. Nor is this the first cat-related shooting that’s happened in Texas. In 2013, a different woman shot her husband for threatening to throw her cat over the fence.

To read more on this story, click here: In Texas, A Woman Just Shot Her Husband For Beating The Family Cat


Watch As Large 7-Foot Wolf Chases Dog: Owner Captures Terrifying Footage

The internet was riveted by a video of a wolf chasing a dog through the woods that was taken by the dog's owner. The footage was shot in northern Saskatchewan, Canada.

First, the dog is barking at something in the background. A huge wolf then leaps toward the dog who begins barking more frantically. The owner can be heard in the video shouting at the two.

The owner is a fishing guide at the place where the video was shot, and he said they are used to having black bears come around from time to time. This giant black wolf that turned up for several days was a surprise.

The man said he was inside with the lodge manager when they saw the wolf. He grabbed his camera while the manager grabbed a gun.

The wolf actually caught up with the dog and threw her in the air, and the lodge manager had to fire into the air to make it stop. The dog had some minor injuries but recovered. The wolf returned two more times that day looking for the dog. Some of the many viewers of the video estimated the wolf must have been about seven feet long.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

This Dog Was Suppose To Be Guarding The Sheep: He Had Other Ideas!

This dog’s owners could not stop laughing when they went to check in on him during his “work hours.” He was suppose to be guarding the sheep, but he had other ideas!

Many dogs perform important jobs. Some sniff out bombs while others guide the blind. Dogs are invaluable when it comes to many things humans depend on.

This dog takes his position very seriously. He is doing a great job when it comes to bonding with the staff. In fact, his bonding skills are so strong, his employee relationships have reached a whole new level. I think he would ACE those employee trust exercises “fur” sure!

This hilarious encounter takes place in Italy where herds of sheep are guarded by all types of dogs. Even this type!

                                               Click twice on the video below:


Birds In Minnesota Keep Crashing Into Things and Police Think It's Because They're Drunk

(CNN) Robins, cedar waxwings and other birds in Gilbert, Minnesota, are flying into windshields, bumping into trees and looking mighty disoriented.

Police there say there's no need to worry -- the birds are just a little drunk.

"It appears some birds are getting a little more 'tipsy' than normal," Gilbert Police Chief Ty Techar wrote this week in a Facebook post.

No, the town's birds aren't downing worm-flavored margaritas. Techar believes their confused state is the result of eating berries that have fermented earlier than usual due to an early frost.

"Many birds have not migrated south, so it appears to be more prevalent than in past years," he said. "Younger birds' livers cannot handle the toxins as efficiently as more mature birds."

Is this true? Are the birds really drunk?

Yes, said Anna Pidgeon, an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin's Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, who notes it's not a rare phenomenon.

"It's more typical in late winter, early spring when berries that have been on branches ferment due to the yeast that's on them," she said.

Robins and cedar waxwings rely primarily on fruit and are more susceptible to "getting drunk," said Pidgeon. (Yes, that's really her name.)

Getting intoxicated can be quite dangerous for them, she said.

To read more on this story, click here: Birds In Minnesota Keep Crashing Into Things and Police Think It's Because They're Drunk


Ferrets Are Fun, Cute and Interactive Animals: But to be a Responsible Owner You Should First Decide if They Really Are the Right Pet for You

Ferrets are fun, cute and interactive animals, often described as perpetual kittens. But to be a responsible owner you should first decide if they really are the right pet for you.

Find out if ferrets are legal where you live. Just because the pet store sells them doesn't mean that they are legal to own in your area. They are currently illegal to own in Hawaii, California, and New York City, just to name a few.

Learn what ferret personalities are like. The word 'ferret' means 'little thief' in Latin. This is an omen to you of things to come. They enjoy selecting household items; not all of which belong to them; and hiding them in bizarre places. It may be your slipper, your keys, your computer mouse, your wallet, or rolled up socks. Giving them their own ferret-safe toys may help but will probably not completely eliminate this behavior. Ferrets are very playful and inquisitive critters when they're awake and need supervision to keep from getting into and/or eating things they shouldn't.

Decide if you will be able to let your ferret out of his cage for at least three hours a day. Ferrets can sleep up to twenty hours a day, but they need to be out of their cage for exercise regularly. They are not like hamsters or gerbils, they're a lot more like little dogs or cats and can become depressed and ill if they don't get out-of-cage time.

Decide if you can afford the expense of owning a ferret. Between the cage, accessories, food, treats, toys, litter, etc. your ferret could cost a huge chunk of change. Make a list of all the things you will need to buy and add up the total cost. If all you do is buy a cage, litter, and food you may be surprised with all of the other things you end up needing to keep your ferret happy and healthy. Initial costs of a single ferret can be up to $275. Similar to cats and dogs, they require regular flea treatment, grooming, vaccinations, and a toy or two.

Find out if your house or apartment is ferret safe or if you can ferret-proof your home. Ferrets can get into surprising areas. They have insatiable curiosity and will not cease seeking new places to wriggle into. Go on your hands and knees and look for holes in the walls, in the closets, behind your refrigerator, under your cabinets, under your furniture, and anywhere there might be a hidden opening for your ferret to crawl into. The two most common areas are inside the box spring under beds and inside furniture from underneath. Putting a sheet on the bottom of a box spring fixes the bed problem and you can cut a sheet to fit the bottom of furniture and staple it on, or you can take the feet off of furniture so its resting on the ground. If you have a recliner, the safest thing to do is get rid of it. There is no way to ferret proof a recliner and your ferret can get caught in the gears and be squished when someone reclines not knowing he's in there. When you bring your ferret home watch him carefully. He will show you all the places you missed.

Decide if your current pets and children are compatible with a ferret. Most dogs and cats will get along well with ferrets. It is like bringing home another small dog or cat to them. If your dog has a high prey instinct, (e.g. chases cats or squirrels) getting a ferret may not be a good idea. Your ferret will not be friends with hamsters, mice, gerbils, rats, rabbits, or any other small rodent. Your ferret will probably see these creatures and think how nice their new owners are for providing a good dinner. Birds and ferrets are also not a good mix and should not be kept in the same house. Children under twelve should always be supervised with a ferret to make sure it is handled properly.

Know that ferrets are only 'sort of' litter box trainable. In his cage a ferret will generally only 'go' in one corner. This is where you place his litter box. But ferrets also have a strong instinct to spread their scent over their territory, so they may have 'accidents' in other rooms of the house. Also, if a ferret is busy playing in one area of the house and needs to go, he will likely just shrug his shoulders and go in the nearest corner rather than trekking to his litter box and interrupting his playtime. Many ferret owners place multiple litter boxes around their home. Small corner litter boxes can be purchased and placed but realize that to even start to train the ferret it must be watched AT ALL TIMES.

Decide if you have the patience to deal with a ferret. Between stealing your socks, underwear, and keys; eating your hamster; needing a litter box in every room and displaying unending energy it's understandable that a ferret owner needs to be endowed with a bit of patience. If you found your ferret in the bathroom shredding every roll of toilet paper you own would you be more likely to say "Aww, how cute! He destroyed my bathroom!" or would you say "DIE FUR BALL!!!" Ferrets are delicate creatures and only live 5 to 10 years. If you buy a ferret, consider it a commitment. And if you aren't prepared for ferret ownership that is not the ferret's fault.

Research local ferret rescues and shelters. Consider adopting from a shelter rather than buying from a pet store. Most shelter ferrets are healthy, very loving, and have a head start on potty training.

Go to your nearest pet store. In the US, most pet stores are supplied with ferrets from a large-scale breeder in New York called Marshall. If your pet store does not receive their ferrets from there, inquire who the breeder is. For ferrets from Marshall, there will be a tattoo of two dots on the right ear meaning the ferret is de-scented and fixed. If there is no tattoo, you MUST ask if the ferret is de-scented AND fixed. Unless you are breeding, you NEVER want a whole ferret. Females will die if not bred properly and immediately with care. Males will be EXTREMELY aggressive and smell TERRIBLE. This is not a cat or dog, it MUST be fixed. If the ferret is not fixed and you cannot "afford" to have it fixed, you probably cannot afford to own the ferret.

Enjoy your new companion. Average life expectancy of a ferret is 8-11 years (about that of a cat). Always be sure to keep roughly $500 in savings specifically for ferret vet emergencies. Ferrets as they age can develop malignant tumors that must be treated immediately. They can also develop adrenal gland problems which causes hair loss and eventual death.

You may be interested in reading some of my other posts on Ferrets:


How Can I Tell If My Cat Has Ear Mites?

Ear mites are tiny, crab-like parasites that invade the outer ears and ear canals of cats. There are many different types, but the most common is Otodectes Cynotis, which is found in approximately 90 percent of all feline ear mite infestations.

If you notice any of the following symptoms, it's possible that your cat may have ear mites. A trip to the vet will be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. If untreated, an ear mite infestation can become severe and lead to partial or complete hearing loss for your cat. Ear mites are also terribly uncomfortable for your cat. The sooner you can get this situation treated, the happier and healthier your cat will be.

Signs that Your Cat May Have Ear Mites:
  • Excessive scratching of the ears
  • Fresh or dried blood inside of the ear canal which may resemble coffee grounds. Small white dots might also be noticed: these are the actual mites. Excessive shaking of the head
  • Dizziness and loss of balance
  • A lopsided appearance with your cat favoring one ear
  • Flattened ears and/or unpleasant odor
What does a cat ear mite infection look like? In this case a picture really is worth a thousand words. Look for these things:

Ear mites on cats are not just found in the ears. This parasite can travel all over the cat's body. Ear mites think other species are tasty too, and they are very contagious. Without treatment, your cat's ear mite infestation can spread to the family dog, rabbit or hamsters. All family pets have to be treated if mites are found on just one animal. That's just one more reason why a trip to your local veterinarian or pet health care clinic should be scheduled if you suspect ear mites. Parasites are just one cause of cat otitis (inflammation of the ear). Other causes include allergies, endocrine diseases and tumors. Only a trip to the vet will provide you with a proper diagnosis.

Two-Step Treatments For Ear Mites:

First you must treat the ears. Clean your cat's ears, then apply ear mite drops to the ear canal for seven days. Ear mite medications are safe and can even be applied to kittens. Your vet will probably begin the treatment after diagnosis and then have you continue applying the drops from home over the next week.

Because mites can be located outside the ear area, the entire body of the cat should also be treated. The cat must be bathed with a pyrethrin (anti-parasite) shampoo. These products are available everywhere - pet stores, supermarkets or from your animal health care provider.

One of the most effective treatments for ear mites in your cat is prevention. A monthly topical dose of Revolution (applied to the skin) prevents an ear mite infestation from ever happening. In addition, Revolution protects against fleas, hookworm, roundworm, and the extremely serious and deadly heartworm. The only infestation is does not prevent is "ringworm," which is a fungus and not actually a worm. There are other medications to treat this syndrome in cats. Another product that protects against ear mites is Advantage Multi. It is also applied on a monthly basis, directly to your pet's skin.

Fast Facts About Feline Ear Mites:

  • Ear mites are extremely tiny and not always visible to the naked eye, so a vet will have to examine your cat's ears with a special instrument known as an otoscope to confirm their presence.
  • A secondary infection can result if the ear mite infestation is not treated. The sooner you bring your cat to the vet, the better. Your family pet health provider will check the cat's ears and may examine the discharge from the ears under a microscope.
  • Other animals can catch ear mites from a cat, but humans cannot.
  • The ear mite life cycle from eggs to adult takes about 21 days. From the time your cat becomes infected to the time the ear mites reach maturity, your kitty might be infested with hundreds or thousands of mites. A quick visit to the vet and prompt treatment is the best solution.
