The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Man’s Roomba Vacuum Cleaner, Ran Over Dog Poop, Spreading a 25-Foot Trail of Feces Throughout His House

One man describes the events that unfolded when his Roomba ran over dog poop, spreading a 25-foot trail of feces throughout his house.

In a Facebook post, Jesse Newton said his dog, Evie, defecated in the living room at some point between midnight and when his vacuum cleaning robot was set to run at 1:30 a.m. When Newton‘s 4-year-old son awoke at 3 a.m. to crawl into bed with his parents, Newton smelled a strong odor. He got out of bed and walked into a “war zone of poop” in his living room.

Newton documented the dramatic saga that unfolded as a cautionary tail to others. The post, complete with a hand drawn map of the poop trail, has since gone viral with more than 140,000 reactions and more than 200,000 shares.

“Do not, under any circumstances, let your Roomba run over dog poop,” Newton said. “If the unthinkable does happen, and your Roomba runs over dog poop, stop it immediately and do not let it continue the cleaning cycle.”

Newton was not so lucky. He recounts his attempts to clean the copious amounts of dried poop from his living room and a failed effort at using a rug shampooer to remove poop from the rug where it all started.

“Some folks would shrug their shoulders and get back in bed to deal with it in the morning. But you're not one of those people,” Newton writes of himself.

Instead, in the early hours of the morning, he attempted to clean the Roomba but forgot to take the batteries out before soaking it. As the waterlogged Roomba sputtered to its death, Newton had some harsh words.

“You're not just using profanity - you're inventing new types of profanity,” Newton said of his reaction. “You're saying things that would make Satan shudder in revulsion. You hope your kid stayed in bed, because if he hears you talking like this, there's no way he's not ending up in prison.”

But the tale has a happy ending. After a week of trying to fix the costly device, he called the store where he purchased the Roomba and told them the story. The purchase came with a lifetime warranty.

"They are replacing the Roomba that ran over dog poop and then died a poopy, watery death in the bathtub - by no fault of their own, of course," Newton wrote on Facebook.

This is one experience that won't soon be flushed away.
See the full Facebook post below:

Jesse Newton with Kelly McQueen Newton.
August 9 at 7:23pm · Little Rock, AR · 

So, last week, something pretty tragic happened in our household. It's taken me until now to wrap my head around it and find the words to describe the horror. It started off simple enough - something that's probably happened to most of you.

Sometime between midnight and 1:30am, our puppy Evie pooped on our rug in the living room. This is the only time she's done this, so it's probably just because we forgot to let her out before we went to bed that night. Now, if you have a detective's mind, you may be wondering how we know the poop occurred between midnight and 1:30am. We were asleep, so how do I know that time frame?

Why, friends, that's because our Roomba runs at 1:30am every night, while we sleep. And it found the poop. And so begins the Pooptastrophe. The poohpocalypse. The pooppening.

If you have a Roomba, please rid yourself of all distractions and absorb everything I'm about to tell you.

Do not, under any circumstances, let your Roomba run over dog poop. If the unthinkable does happen, and your Roomba runs over dog poop, stop it immediately and do not let it continue the cleaning cycle. Because if that happens, it will spread the dog poop over every conceivable surface within its reach, resulting in a home that closely resembles a Jackson Pollock poop painting.

It will be on your floorboards. It will be on your furniture legs. It will be on your carpets. It will be on your rugs. It will be on your kids' toy boxes. If it's near the floor, it will have poop on it. Those awesome wheels, which have a checkered surface for better traction, left 25-foot poop trails all over the house. Our lovable Roomba, who gets a careful cleaning every night, looked like it had been mudding. Yes, mudding - like what you do with a Jeep on a pipeline road. But in poop.

Then, when your four-year-old gets up at 3am to crawl into your bed, you'll wonder why he smells like dog poop. And you'll walk into the living room. And you'll wonder why the floor feels slightly gritty. And you'll see a brown-encrusted, vaguely Roomba-shaped thing sitting in the middle of the floor with a glowing green light, like everything's okay. Like it's proud of itself. You were still half-asleep until this point, but now you wake up pretty damn quickly.

And then the horror. Oh the horror. So, first you clean the child. You scrub the poop off his feet and put him back in bed. But you don't bother cleaning your own feet, because you know what's coming. It's inevitable, and it's coming at you like a freight train. Some folks would shrug their shoulders and get back in bed to deal with it in the morning. But you're not one of those people - you can't go to sleep with that war zone of poop in the living room.

So you clean the Roomba. You toss it in the bathtub to let it soak. You pull it apart, piece-by-piece, wondering at what point you became an adult and assumed responsibility for 3:30am-Roomba-disassembly-poop-cleanups. By this point, the poop isn't just on your hands - it's smeared up to your elbows. You already heard the Roomba make that "whirlllllllllllllllll-boop-hisssssssss" noise that sounds like electronics dying, and you realize you forgot to pull the battery before getting it wet. More on that later.

Oh, and you're not just using profanity - you're inventing new types of profanity. You're saying things that would make Satan shudder in revulsion. You hope your kid stayed in bed, because if he hears you talking like this, there's no way he's not ending up in prison.

Then you get out the carpet shampooer. When you push it up to the rug - the rug that started it all - the shampooer just laughs at you. Because that rug is going in the trash, folks. But you shampoo it anyway, because your wife loved that damn rug, and you know she'll ask if you tried to clean it first.

Then you get out the paper towel rolls, idly wondering if you should invest in paper towel stock, and you blow through three or four rolls wiping up poop. Then you get the spray bottle with bleach water and hose down the floor boards to let them soak, because the poop has already dried. Then out comes the steam mop, and you take care of those 25-ft poop trails.

And then, because it's 6am, you go to bed. Let's finish this tomorrow, right?

The next day, you finish taking the Roomba apart, scraping out all the tiny flecks of poop, and after watching a few Youtube instructional videos, you remove the motherboard to wash it with a toothbrush. Then you bake it in the oven to dry. You put it all back together, and of course it doesn't work. Because you heard the "whirlllllllllllllll-boop-hissssssss" noise when it died its poopy death in the bathtub. But you hoped that maybe the Roomba gods would have mercy on you.

But there's a light at the end of the tunnel. After spending a week researching how to fix this damn $400 Roomba without spending $400 again - including refurb units, new motherboards, and new batteries - you finally decide to call the place where you bought it. That place called Hammacher Schlemmer. They have a funny name, but they have an awesome warranty. They claim it's for life, and it's for any reason.
So I called them and told the truth. My Roomba found dog poop and almost precipitated World War III.

And you know what they did? They offered to replace it. Yes, folks. They are replacing the Roomba that ran over dog poop and then died a poopy, watery death in the bathtub - by no fault of their own, of course.

So, mad props to Hammacher Schlemmer. If you're buying anything expensive, and they sell it, I recommend buying it from them. And remember - don't let your Roomba run over dog poop.


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Two Major DC Animal Shelters Merged to Create the Biggest Shelter in the Country

The Washington Humane Society shelter, a District-owned building on New York Avenue, Northeast, looks every bit the old-school pound—concrete floors, chain-link cages, lots of barking dogs. Washington Animal Rescue League, near Manor Park in Northwest DC, feels like a pet spa—soothing music pipes in, a miniature waterfall gurgles, quiet dogs relax in frosted-glass enclosures.

If that’s all you know of the two groups, the decision they made in February to merge—into an organization whose scope is unmatched by any other humane society in a major US city—might seem odd. But the outward differences don’t indicate philosophical ones. Both were longtime local institutions: The Washington Humane Society was founded in 1870, the Washington Animal Rescue League in 1914. Both boasted low euthanasia rates, with each saving roughly 90 percent of its animals. And they worked together for years, with WHS often sending dogs and cats to WARL when it was over capacity.

To read more on this story, click here: Two Major DC Animal Shelters Merged to Create the Biggest Shelter in the Country


Monday, August 8, 2016

URGENT! Missing Dog From Riverdale, Maryland – Please Share!

From the owner:

MISSING**** Riverdale Missing since June 22

Hi everyone , the past June 22 on a wenedsday my dog escaped when I opened the door to take out the trash it was around 7:30 am My address is 6305 Patterson st Riverdale md 20737 my dogs name is oso he's white curly haired and his tail is is very short like a snow cone , As you can imagine I'm very sad and he's extremely missed there's not one day I don't go out and still look for him after 48 days of him being lost, there not one moment I can't stop the tears coming from my face and I still have my faith and hope that one day I will have him return home please that's why I'm on here I hope that some one will help me find him if you have seen him pleas contact me ASAP at 2407012433.or 2402804485
Prince George's County Animal Shelter Riverdale Park Animal Hospital Riverdale Park-University Park Patch City of College Park Animal Control City of Greenbelt Animal Shelter Volunteers for the Greenbelt Animal Shelter Brentwood Animal Hospital

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Friday, August 5, 2016

Christopher Walken Supports Best Friends Animal Society: Advocates Adopting Shelter Cats

Christopher Walken, one of the most noteworthy and versatile actors, supports Best Friends Animal Society’s efforts to bring awareness to the plight of millions of cats who die in our nation’s shelters every year.

Walken earned worldwide acclaim and the Academy Award for his role in the searing Vietnam war drama, The Deer Hunter. Through his career on screen, stage and television, Walken has shown a breathtaking range of skills portraying everything from violent villains to quirky characters in comedies. 

On August 5th, he can be seen starring in his latest role in the upcoming family comedy Nine Lives. Walken plays a mysterious shopkeeper with a fondness for felines and a few tricks up his sleeve. The film is directed by Barry Sonnenfeld and also stars Kevin Spacey and Jennifer Garner. It’s actually a role he’s somewhat familiar with. At home he and his wife share their life with a shy, stray cat who showed up on their doorstep pregnant. After finding homes for her kittens, “Girl” is now a member of the Walken household.

But not every stray cat is as lucky as “Girl.” It is estimated that as much as three-quarters of cats who enter shelters, most of which are community cats (stray and free-roaming), never make it out alive. Walken supports Best Friends’ efforts to increase adoption and save rates for cats.

According to national statistics, each day more than 9,000 dogs and cats die in the nation’s shelters. Best Friends has brought increased awareness to how people can get involved in the solution by adopting, and spaying/neutering their pets, donating, volunteering and sharing this message with their friends.

About Best Friends Animal Society® 
Best Friends Animal Society is the only national animal welfare organization dedicated exclusively to ending the killing of dogs and cats in America's shelters. A leader in the no-kill movement, Best Friends runs the nation's largest no-kill sanctuary for companion animals, adoption centers and spay and neuter facilities in Los Angeles and Salt Lake City as well as lifesaving programs in partnership with more than 1,500 rescue groups and shelters across the country. Since its founding in 1984, Best Friends has helped reduce the number of animals killed in American shelters from 17 million per year to an estimated 4 million. By continuing to build effective initiatives that reduce the number of animals entering shelters and increase the number who find homes, Best Friends and its nationwide network of members and partners are working to Save Them All®.

To become a fan of Best Friends Animal Society on Facebook click here: 

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Have You Ever Wondered Why Some Dog Owners Treat Their Dogs Like Their Babies?

While this might seem ridiculous to some, a study in Science proves the bond between dogs and their owners can be as emotionally strong as the connection between mothers and their children.

It's the latest in a growing body of science that explains how dogs have gained such an important place in human society.

"Owner-dog bonding is comparable to parent-infant bonding," writes Takefumi Kikusui, from Azabu University in Japan, via email. "And this is surprising to us … because there is not a reproductive relationship between humans and dogs."

But any dog lover who has gazed into the big eyes of a pleading pup is not surprised.

Previously, the researchers had shown the eye connection between dogs and humans increases the levels of oxytocin in people. Oxytocin, aka the "cuddle chemical," is a hormone mammals produce in the brain that encourages bonding between mothers and their offspring. It's also involved in partner and social bonding.

Most evidence shows this kind of connection works within a species — humans produce oxytocin because of other humans, and dogs produce it because of other dogs.

But this study is the first to show the hormonal bonding between dog and human.

That is, the feeling is mutual.

In the first experiment, the researchers measured oxytocin levels in 28 pairs of dogs and their humans before watching them interact for 30 minutes. People talked, petted and looked at their canines. Afterward, the researchers screened oxytocin levels again.

The owners and pups that gazed at one another more showed increased oxytocin.

Humans "use eye gaze for affiliative communications and [are] very much sensitive to eye contact," said Kikusui. "Gaze, in particular, (over touch, for example) led to the release of oxytocin."

For the second experiment, the researchers dosed 54 dogs with either a spray of saline or oxytocin in the nose. The female dogs treated with oxytocin spent more time gazing at their owners, which after 30 minutes boosted the levels of their owners' oxytocin.

"[This] suggests that this gaze behavior is really critical in oxytocin release," said Evan MacLean, senior research scientist and co-director of the Duke Canine Cognition Center, who wrote an article about the findings. "When they receive oxytocin, this causes dogs to look more at people and the more they look, it boosts [oxytocin levels] more."

What's more: Wolves, which dogs descended from about 30,000 years ago, do not experience an increase in oxytocin from gaze.

"This means that dogs have acquired this superior ability during [the] evolutional/domestic process living with humans," says Kikusui.

This provides more evidence of how deeply dogs are attuned to humans.

"We make the claim that dogs might have hijacked [the oxytocin] pathway. It is in place in humans and we use this in our romantic relations and with children. And we know it is important," says MacLean. "This is sort of an accidental thing that happens over … time."

"This special bonding relationship with dogs is fairly unique," he says.


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

This Summer Has Been So Hot and Dry in Upstate New York That Horse Manure is Bursting Into Flames

The owners of a horse stable had been storing the manure in large piles that frequently spontaneously combusted in the excessive heat and dry conditions.

The state Department of Environmental Conservation says one of its enforcement officers responded on July 5 to multiple calls complaining of smell and smoke coming from a burning pile of horse manure at a property in the town of Throop, in the Finger Lakes region 20 miles west of Syracuse. 

The officer learned that the owners of a horse stable had been storing the manure in large piles that frequently spontaneously combusted in the excessive heat and dry conditions. 

DEC officials say a shift in the prevailing winds carried the odor of burning manure it into the neighbors' windows. 

It took three local fire departments two hours to douse the burning horse manure.


Meet Eve an Adorable 4-Month Old Shepherd Mix Looking for Her Forever Home: Please Read and Share Her Story – WHS-WARL

Washington, DC - They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Well, everyone at the Washington Humane Society  - Washington Animal Rescue League who has met little Eve agrees she is indeed beautiful…despite her mangled ears. 

At only four months old, this little shepherd mix was the victim of the cruel practice of home ear cropping, often performed without anesthesia in an unsterile environment. Not surprisingly, Eve’s ears were infected when she arrived at an Alabama shelter. But thanks to good medical care, she has recovered and faces a bright future. 

Eve is a bit timid—who can blame her—but very, very sweet! She’ll wiggle right over and climb in your lap for cuddles and even give gentle little kisses in return. She’d love nothing better than a loving home with patient people who will show her that the world truly can be her Garden of Eden. 

Eve will be available for adoption later this week at the WHS-WARL Oglethorpe Adoption Center.

Animal ID: 33067087 
Agez: 4 months 3 days 
Sex: Female 
Color: Brown 
Declawed: No 
Site: Oglethorpe Street 

To learn more about Eve, Click HERE.

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Washington Humane Society/Washington Animal Rescue League: DC Walk for the Animals - September 18th - Fun, Food and Entertainment

Washington, DC - An annual tradition continues as the DC Walk for the Animals takes place on Sunday, September 18th at the Capitol Riverfront.  

The event includes a one mile walk around the Capitol Riverfront area, admission to Pet-a-palooza and, for the first time, admission to “Barktoberfest” – all to raise money to benefit the 60,000 animals cared for by the Washington Humane Society-Washington Animal Rescue League.

WHAT: DC Walk for the Animals

WHEN: Sunday, September 18, 2016

TIME: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

WHERE: Capitol Riverfront
Corner of M St SE & First St SE
(across from the Navy Yard Metro Station and adjacent to Nats Park)

Look for our mobile adoption center - Adopt Force One

EVENT: This event includes admission to Pet-A-Palooza and Barktoberfest all for one ticket price!

PRICE: $35
The entry fee is $35 for walkers, $20 for those under 21, and includes a t-shirt and gift bag and admission to Pet-a-palooza and Barktoberfest.  Walkers are encouraged reach out to friends and family to raise at least $125 to help the animals cared for by WHS-WARL (this is a suggested goal; there is not a fundraising requirement for the event).

This year’s DC Walk for the Animals has something for everyone!  Come out and participate in the walk, enjoy vendor booths, contests for your dogs, win prizes, music, pet adoptions, kids’ entertainment, and much, much more at Pet-a-Palooza!  And, you don't want to miss the delicious food trucks and unlimited beer tastings (for those 21+) at Barktoberfest.

Visit our webpage to register to walk or purchase tickets and for more event information!

More about the event:

The DC Walk for the Animals is a one mile walk around the Capitol Riverfront area to raise money to benefit WHS-WARL and the 60,000 animals we serve each year. Registered walkers will also have access to Pet-A-Palooza and be able to participate in Barktoberfest. Entry fee is $35 for walkers, $20 for those under 21, and includes a t-shirt and gift bag.

Barktoberfest gives beer lovers a chance to bring their four legged friends out for an afternoon, sample craft beers and food trucks. Beer enthusiasts will enjoy sampling a wide variety of unique craft brewed beer and grabbing a bite to eat from local food vendors. Quench your thirst at Barktoberfest!  For those that do not participate in the Walk for the Animals, tickets are $35 and include a tasting glass (for those 21+). Tickets for designated drivers and those under 21 are $20.

Participants in both the DC Walk for the Animals and Barktoberfest will have access to Pet-A-Palooza, which includes vendor booths, pet entertainment, contests, pet adoptions, games, kid’s entertainment, live music provided by 94.7 Fresh FM, and much more!

The location for this one-of-a-kind event is the SE Capitol Riverfront at the corner of M St SE & First St SE in D.C. (across from the Navy Yard Metro Station and adjacent to Nats Park).  Get your tickets today at

For more information or to donate, visit the websites below:

Register here to walk: REGISTER



Event Info

About Washington Animal Rescue League-Washington Humane Society (WARL-WHS)

The Washington Humane Society-Washington Animal Rescue League combined organization cares for more than 60,000 animals annually. The broad range of programs offered include: rescue and adoption, humane law enforcement, low-cost veterinary services, animal care & control, behavior and training, spay-neuter services, humane education, and many others.  Operating four animal-care facilities in Washington, D.C., the organization occupies a significant footprint in the District, and serves as a resource to current pet guardians and prospective adopters across the region. 

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Sunday, July 31, 2016

A Stray Pit Bull Stabbed While Saving a Woman from a Knife Attack: Looking for His Forever Home – Now ‘Hero’…Needs a Hero, Will It Be You?

Baldwin, Georgia - A stray pit bull came to the aid of a woman in Georgia last week and saved her from a knife attack, it's been revealed.

Known as 'Hero', the dog can now be yours.

He got the woman away from a man in the July 22nd incident, which took place in Baldwin, WATE reported.

Officer Timothy Clay told the local news station in an interview: “The dog then lunged toward the male and the male came out with the knife and stabbed the dog several times.”

Hero was stabbed five times and was brought by police to the vet, the station said.

Clay explained: “I don't think we could have let that dog suffer and die. We felt like we needed to get that dog some help after what it had been through.”

Carla Welch with Fighting for The Bullys Pit Bull Rescue in Knoxville, Tennessee, told WATE in an interview: “He has had a really rough life. He has had a bum back leg and a bum front leg, but he gets around fine and he's looking for a good friend.”

She discovered what happened to the dog via social media and raised money for treatment, the station reported.

She said:  “I thought he was very courageous and very brave.”

Welch also said: “For those two officers to go to the extent they did to save him is very heroic and very awesome.”

If you're interested in giving Hero a home, visit the website for Fighting for The Bullys Pit Bull Rescue

Please Share Hero!


Thursday, July 28, 2016

MPD Officer Douglas Berlin Presented ‘Humane Hero Award’ by Washington Humane Society-Washington Animal Rescue League

Washington, DC - The Washington Humane Society-Washington Animal Rescue League presented Metropolitan Police Officer Douglas Berlin for his dedicated and compassionate actions during a fire at an apartment building in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday.   Berlin was presented the award at a ceremony at the 3rd District Police Station on Wednesday by WHS-WARL President and CEO Lisa LaFontaine.

On Tuesday during a fire in an apartment building at 11th and Rhode Island Avenue, Berlin went to great lengths to save a small dog fleeing the burning building.  The 11 year-old Rat Terrier named “Lucy” was suffering from serious burns when she was fleeing the scene through busy traffic.

“Officer Berlin’s dedication to the care and safety of this dog is a shining example of what we strive to do every day – make a difference in the lives of the animals and the people we serve,” said LaFontaine.  “Officer Berlin put himself in harm’s way for to save Lucy’s life and that exemplifies what this award is all about.  He is a hero to Lucy and her family, to our organization and to the people of the District of Columbia.”

Officer Berlin arrived at the scene of the burning apartment building at the same time Lucy was seen running from the burning building.  Berlin realized the dog was suffering serious burn wounds and chased the dog in and out of traffic for several blocks to safely secure her.  Once Lucy was secured, a paramedic on scene transported Berlin and Lucy to City Paws veterinary clinic for treatment.

Lucy has been reunited with her owner and is currently recovering from her burns.

About Washington Animal Rescue League/Washington Humane Society (WARL-WHS)
The Washington Humane Society -Washington Animal Rescue League combined organization cares for more than 60,000 animals annually. The broad range of programs offered include: rescue and adoption, humane law enforcement, low-cost veterinary services, animal care & control, behavior and training, spay-neuter services, humane education, and many others.  Operating four animal-care facilities in Washington, D.C., the organization occupies a significant footprint in the District, and serves as a resource to current pet guardians and prospective adopters across the region.


A D.C. Police Officer Received an Award from the Washington Humane Society-Washington Animal Rescue League for Helping a dog who Escaped From an Apartment Fire

Washington, DC - As an apartment building fire sent a cloud of black smoke over D.C. Tuesday afternoon, a small dog was able to make a fast escape.

Lucy, an 11-year-old rat terrier, was inside a home on the 1300 block of 12th Street NW when the building caught fire. A Metropolitan Police Department officer was able to save her after he spotted the dog running from the building with burns.

Officer Douglas Berlin was making sure residents got out of buildings safely when he saw Lucy, who's black-and-white with big black ears, tear down the block.

"As I was coming down the stairs from one of the adjoining units, I saw Lucy take off, running down the street, and it looked like she had burns on her hindquarters, and her paws looked to be pretty bloody, so I gave chase," Berlin said Wednesday afternoon at a news conference.

He and a man with a skateboard dodged in and out of traffic for blocks to try to catch Lucy, said Berlin, who described himself as a dog-lover.

"I thought at one point she was going to get hit because she ran underneath a car," he said. "Fortunately, she came out on the other side of the median and didn't skip a beat."

Finally, the officer was able to catch the 13-pound dog. Berlin and others used water and ice to try to cool her down and rushed her to a nearby veterinarian. There, vets disinfected her paws and gave her painkillers and an IV.

Lucy was discharged from the vet on Wednesday, according to Berlin, who said he had exchanged texts with her owner.

"She's a fighter. She runs like she's 2. She gave me a good run for my money last night," Berlin said, laughing.

Three firefighters were hurt battling the blaze and 12 residents were displaced, including the family that owns Lucy, the head of the Washington Humane Society-Washington Animal Rescue League said. She thanked Berlin for his help and presented him with the Humane Hero Award.

“What Officer Berlin did yesterday was above and beyond the call of duty,” CEO Lisa LaFontaine said. "A family that lost everything yesterday will at least have their family complete today because Lucy survived and that would likely have been a different outcome without Officer Berlin."


Tuesday, July 26, 2016

What To Do If You Suspect Your Dog Has Heat Stroke

If you suspect that your dog is suffering from heat stroke to the following:

1.  Get your dog out of direct heat

2.  Check for shock. Signs include: collapse, body temperature 104° F+, bloody diarrhea or vomit, depression stupor, seizures or coma, excessive panting or difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, salivation.

3.  Take your dog’s temperature.

4.  Spray your dog with cool water then retake temperature.

5.  Place water-soaked towels on the dog’s head, neck feet, chest and abdomen, turn on a fan and point it in your dog’s direction, rub Isopropyl alcohol (70%) on the dog’s foot pads to help cool him but don’t use large quantities.

6.  Take your dog to the nearest veterinary hospital.

During a heat crisis, the goal is always to decrease the dog’s body temperature to 103° F in the first 10-15 minutes. Once 103° F is reached, you must stop the cooling process because the body temperature will continue to decrease and can plummet dangerously low if you continue to cool the dog for too long.

Even if you successfully cool your pet down to 103° F in the first 10-15 minutes, you must take the dog to a veterinarian as soon as possible because consequences of heat stroke will not show up for hours or even days. Potential problems include abnormal heart rhythms, kidney failure, neurological problems and respiratory arrest.

It is important to know if your pet is predisposed to dog heat stroke, which is true of dogs with short snouts such as bulldogs, pugs and many other breeds. Other common causes of heat stroke include: a previous episode of heat stroke, leaving a dog in a parked car, excessive exercise in hot, humid weather (this may be exercise that your dog can usually handle but not in warmer weather), lack of appropriate shelter outdoors, thicker-coated dogs in warm weather and underlying disease such as upper airway, heart of lung disease.


Medal of Honor Recipient’s Needs Your Help: His Service Dog Has to Have Surgery

Army Staff Sgt. Ty Carter was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions during the 2009 battle at COP Keating in Afghanistan, the same battle described by fellow MoH recipient Clinton Romesha in his best-selling book Red Platoon.

Nala is Carter’s service dog and she’s essential to his efforts to deal with post-traumatic stress. The veterinarians tell Ty that Nala has a herniated disc that’s almost severing her spinal cord. If she doesn’t have surgery, she’ll lose her ability to walk.

The government doesn’t recognize service dogs as a treatment for PTSD, or at least not a form that it’s willing to pay for.

There’s a GoFundMe page to help pay for Nala’s surgery. That’s sure to be covered soon. Any of our readers with the influence to get service dogs covered by the government should get on that right away as well.


170 Animals Adopted During Washington Humane Society-Washington Animal Rescue League “Clear the Shelters’ Event Saturday, July 23rd

Washington, DC - The Washington Humane Society-Washington Animal Rescue League’s adoption centers on New York Avenue and Oglethorpe Street are eerily quiet today thanks to a very successful Clear the Shelters adoption event on Saturday.  WHS-WARL processed 170 adoptions during the seven hour-long adoption event.

WHS-WARL teamed up with NBC4 to host NBCUniversal Owned Television Stations’ Clear the Shelters second annual nationwide pet adoption drive, which featured fee-waived adoptions to qualified families.

“We were absolutely thrilled with the turnout and success of Clear the Shelters 2016,” said Lisa LaFontaine, President and CEO for WHS-WARL.  “In just one day, we changed the lives of 170 families by finding homes for these wonderful animals that – in most cases – have simply been unlucky so far in their lives.  We want to thank NBC4 for their outstanding support for this event and we look forward to next year!”

Interest in the event was evident in the hours leading up to Saturday.  Potential adopters began lining up outside of the shelter at 11:00 p.m. Friday night, with customers patiently waiting for the doors to open the following morning in hopes of finding a new, furry family member.   Hundreds of potential adopters visited the organization’s two shelters throughout the day.   The final count for the day included 68 dogs, 97 cats, and five small animals adopted from WHS-WARL during Clear the Shelters.

While WHS-WARL is celebrating the success of Saturday’s event, the sobering reality remains that the population of pets needing homes at the organization’s two shelters will steadily rise again over the coming days.  WHS-WARL encourages those that did not adopt on Saturday to consider adopting a homeless pet in the near future.

About Washington Animal Rescue League/Washington Humane Society (WARL-WHS)
The Washington Humane Society -Washington Animal Rescue League combined organization cares for more than 60,000 animals annually. The broad range of programs offered include: rescue and adoption, humane law enforcement, low-cost veterinary services, animal care & control, behavior and training, spay-neuter services, humane education, and many others.  Operating four animal-care facilities in Washington, D.C., the organization occupies a significant footprint in the District, and serves as a resource to current pet guardians and prospective adopters across the region. 
