The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too : Heartbreaking: This Video Shows the Techniques Used by SeaWorld to Capture It’s First Orcas The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too : Heartbreaking: This Video Shows the Techniques Used by SeaWorld to Capture It’s First Orcas

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Heartbreaking: This Video Shows the Techniques Used by SeaWorld to Capture It’s First Orcas

In the wake of the documentary Blackfish, SeaWorld has had to account for their questionable business practices and the ethical questions surrounding cetacean captivity.

This video features the techniques used to capture SeaWorld’s first orcas. It is both stunning in its depiction of killer whale intelligence and the relentless cruelty the capture teams used to take calves from their mothers. In fact, during this particular raid, several whales died as a result of the chase.

Watch this clip from Blackfish:
