The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spay/Neuter Bill Passed, Shark Fins Bill Passed, Bait Dog Bill Passed - They Are Still Working on Pit Bulls - Please Call to Urge the Lawmakers to Make the Right Decision

I am sharing from the Montgomery County Humane Society's facebook page:

Montgomery County Humane Society via The Humane Society of the United States - Maryland

from The Humane Society of the United States - Maryland:

Just 3 more days until the legislature adjourns, and here's the tally:

Spay/Neuter - PASSED!
Shark Fins - PASSED!
Bait Dogs - PASSED!

They are still working on "pit bulls" - call these 6 critical lawmakers (even over the weekend is fine - just leave a message) and urge them to find a solution. Monday is the last day to get this fixed!

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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Do You Need Assistance with Veterinary Bills? Here is a List of Angel Organizations that May be Able to Help Provide Financial Assistance

I am not sure exactly how these organizations work. I personally know how high vet bills can get.

I am sharing hoping that this information will help someone who is in need of financial assistance to help with their vet bills.

Supporting the Human-Animal Bond... here is a list of angel organizations that may be able to help provide financial assistance with veterinary bills in a time of need.

Groups Providing Financial Assistance For Veterinary Bills
American Animal Hospital Association
"Through the AAHA Helping Pets Fund, veterinary care is possible for sick or injured pets even if they have been abandoned or if their owner is experiencing financial hardship."

Angels 4 Animals
"Our services range from financial aid to complete treatment to those pets and pet owners in need."

Brown Dog Foundation
Provides funding to families who find themselves with a sick pet that would likely respond to treatment, but due to an unforseen circumstance, there is not enough money immediately available to make it happen.

Canine Cancer Awareness
Donations made to Canine Cancer Awareness are used for veterinary care for dogs with cancer whose families are financially unable to provide treatment.

Care Credit
A credit card company for health care, including veterinary care.
"With a comprehensive range of plan options, for treatment or procedure fees from $1 to over $25,000, we offer a plan and a low monthly payment to fit comfortably into almost every budget."

Cats in Crisis
Is dedicated to helping cats and kittens with special medical needs receive the veterinary treatment they need to live happy, healthy lives. We believe in a Commitment for Life and feel that no special needs cat should be euthanized due to a caretaker's limited financial means.

Extend credit
Offers payment plans to pet owners that can help provide needed emergency treatments for pets.

Fairy Dog Parents
Fairy DogParents is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that helps prevent dogs from being surrendered to shelters.We provide assistance with food, medical and general wellness needs of qualified dog recipients in Massachusetts. If you are faced with the choice of surrendering your dog because of personal financial circumstances you may qualify for our assistance.

Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance (FVEAP)
"Seniors, People with disabilities, People who have lost their job, Good Samaritans who rescue a cat or kitten - any of these folks may need financial assistance to save a beloved companion."

The Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance Program is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization that provides financial assistance to cat and kitten guardians who are unable to afford veterinary services to save their companions when life-threatening illness or injury strikes.

Frankie's Friends
We are a non-profit foundation dedicated to finding cures and saving pets with cancer and other serious pet diseases. We fund Grants for emergency and specialty care from our Hope Funds to treat pets with promising outcomes whose families cannot afford the full cost of care. Shared contributions are also made by the treating hospital and treating veterinarian to give the family the most financial help possible.

God's Creatures Ministry
"This fund helps pay for veterinarian bills for those who need help."

Gracie's Mission
Gracie's Mission is to educate pet owners about holistic medical treatments and to provide financial assistance to individuals of limited income that meet the guidelines set forth by the Mission.

Paws 4 A Cure
The mission of Paws 4 A Cure is to provide financial assistance for canine and feline owners who cannot afford veterinary care for their beloved furry family members otherwise.

Shakespeare Animal Fund
Shakespeare Animal Fund, a non-profit charity, was founded after the loss of a beloved Cocker Spaniel "Shakespeare". He died after a very costly illness, and in his memory this fund was founded to help others who might face financial problems while trying to save their pet. Let Shakespeare help you!

The Dog & Cat Cancer Fund
We work directly with veterinarians to help needy families get treatment for their cats and dogs suffering from cancer.

The Magic Bullet Fund
Every day 8,000 dogs are diagnosed with cancer. We help the families who can't afford treatment costs.

The Mosby Foundation
The Mosby Foundation is organized exclusively for charitable purposes, to assist in the care of critically sick, injured, abused and neglected dogs through financial support and public education.

The Pet Fund
While costs are an inevitable part of the responsibility of owning companion animals, The Pet Fund assists owners in covering medical costs beyond the normal expenses of vaccination, spay & neuter surgeries, food and routine veterinary care. Adopting a companion animal always involves both expense and commitment, and if owners have a resource to help with medical services, their animals can receive necessary care despite the financial burdens involved.

National Animal Organizations that may provide assistance: 

Alley Cat Allies
Are you facing tough financial times and struggling to make ends meet for your entire family-including your pets and feral cat colony? Alley Cat Allies has ideas on how to make providing care more affordable, including resources for obtaining food and for helping you cover emergency veterinary costs

American Humane Association
American Humane Association's Second Chance Fund helps offset the cost of treating homeless animal victims of abuse or neglect. Through the Second Chance Fund, American Humane Association is able to financially assist agencies that rescue, care for, and re-home abused or neglected animals.

The ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) announced the establishment of the Cohen Family Veterinary Care Assistance Fund, a new $300,000 program that will fund emergency medical treatment of at-risk dogs and cats in Miami-Dade County, Fla. It will be used to treat dogs and cats that have entered either HSGM or partner agency Miami-Dade Animal Services (MDAS) with emergency medical needs, either as strays or whose owners are no longer able to care for them.

Best Friends Animal Society

Humane Society of the US
The Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association Rural Area Veterinary Services Program (HSVMA-RAVS) is a non-profit veterinary outreach program. We combine community service and education to bring free veterinary services to under-served rural communities, where poverty and geographic isolation make regular veterinary care inaccessible.

Petco Foundation
We Are Family, Too - short-term and seed funding for animal welfare groups to help pet owners who have lost their homes or are experiencing temporary financial hurdles. We Are Family, Too funds such programs as Pet food banks, Product donations, Referral lists of pet-friendly housing, Short-term foster pet care, andVeterinary services.

Petsmart Charities
We provide emergency relief funding and supplies to assist pets in three different types of situations: Large-scale disasters (e.g. hurricanes, fires and other natural catastrophes); Multiple-animal rescue disasters; One-animal victim of abuse or violence. Our Emergency Relief Waggin' program helps the pet victims of natural and manmade disasters. Our six, 53-foot semi-trailers are pre-loaded with donated emergency supplies so we can quickly assist pets and the people working to save them.

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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Have You Heard of Project Pets - Spay, Neuter, Love? - Their Goal is to Reduce the Numbers of Animals Killed in Animal Shelters Daily

Have you heard of Project Pets - Spay, Neuter, Love? Their goal is to reduce the numbers of animals killed in shelters daily and to reduce the number in pet over population. Please support your local spay/neuter clinics! Imagine the lives that will be saved.

From Project Pets - Spay, Neuter, Love:

We will lower the homeless pet population and save millions of lives with effective S/N programs. Project Pets helps owners do the right thing.

Started: October 2010
Location: Greensboro, North Carolina 27438
Awards: SPA
Products: DONATE : EVC6

Contact Information:
Visit them on Facebook:

Take a look at the video below:

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Do You Know the Biggest Risks to Pets at Easter Time?

Brightly colored plastic grass, plastic eggs, Lilies and chocolate pose the biggest risk to pets at Easter time. These items may be symbols of the season but they can also make dogs and cats very sick and even result in death.

“Lilies can be very toxic to cats,” cautions Dr. Julia Georgesen at Blum Animal Hospital in Chicago. Georgesen is also resident pet expert for Eye on Pets on WBBM Newsradio and “All parts of the plant, the leaves, the stems and the pollen cause severe kidney failure in cats and it can happen 6-12 hours after they eat the plant.”

Georgesen says there is no antidote for Lily poisoning in cats. The best chance of survival for a cat is early veterinarian intervention. Early symptoms of poisoning are vomiting, dehydration, staggering and seizures. Cats may even stop producing urine.

“If you have a cat, you should avoid having Lilies in your house. That includes Tiger Lilies and Day Lilies,” she says. Cats can get sick from drinking even a small amount of water from a vase of Lilies.

“The pet poison center says calls increase 200 percent during the week of Easter,” Georgesen says and many of those calls involve chocolate – another common Easter treat that is toxic to pets. “Chocolate contains a chemical relative of caffeine that causes vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythms, seizures and death in both dogs and cats.” The darker and more bitter the chocolate, the greater the danger.

Plastic and/or aluminum Easter grass can also cause problems for pets and may lead to a serious intestinal blockage that might require surgery. “The plastic becomes stringy and can anchor at the base of a pet’s tongue or stomach, making it difficult to pass.” Georgesen says consider using straw, tissue paper or shredded newspaper instead to line Easter baskets.

If you are having an Easter egg hunt, be careful with plastic eggs. Georgesen says they can be broken, chewed and swallowed by pets, causing vomiting, diarrhea, and obstructions. Hard-boiled eggs can spoil quickly and make pets very sick, so keep track of all the eggs you use.

And while a fluffy little duckling or bunny might seem like an appealing Easter gift, Georgesen says they are anything but. For example, the average domestic duck relieves itself once every 15 minutes.

“Once that novelty wears off and the daily responsibility of feeding, cleaning and exercising sets in, a lot of these animals are dumped in parks or shelters,” says Georgesen. “Play it safe and buy your child a plush stuffed rabbit or chick instead.”


Veterinarian Says Parents Should Resist the Urge to Give Live Rabbits and Chicks as Easter Gifts

A Purdue University veterinarian says parents should resist the urge to give live rabbits and chicks as Easter gifts.

Lorraine Corriveau, a pet wellness veterinarian, says the live chicks and rabbits available in many pet stores this time of year require more maintenance and care than most people realize.

"Often many folks think rabbits need only a small cage and don't need much attention," Corriveau says. "The truth is they have dietary requirements that include a balanced diet of pellets, fresh lettuce and other vegetables, and grass hays. They also require daily exercise and enough space to perform three consecutive hops in a cage. When you get a rabbit, it's potentially a 10-year commitment because the average life expectancy of most rabbits is 10 years."

Young children tend to be rougher and not understand that they can easily injure a rabbit's back. In addition, rabbits have long toenails that leave deep scratches if handled improperly.

Chicks can carry salmonella and E. coli, which can cause diarrhea and possibly even death to young children. Chicks also can be dangerous when they get older.

"Chicks grow into chickens," she says. "Roosters can potentially become aggressive when they hit sexual maturity. Roosters also tend to make a lot of noise in the wee hours of the morning before the sun comes up."

After Easter many shelters are overwhelmed by the number of rabbits admitted and have to euthanize several. Rabbits are the third-most relinquished pets to animal shelters, which are usually equipped to handle only a few rabbits and rodents at a time.

Rabbits also are often released to the wild to fend for themselves, and those that don't starve become easy prey for predators, she says.

"Those cute, long-eared, baby bunnies with their twitching noses and the soft, yellow, adorable chicks are not toys, and they grow up to become rabbits and chickens that carry big responsibilities," Corriveau says.


Thursday, March 28, 2013

Man Buys Stolen 10 Foot Long Python and Immediately Regrets It

Coventry, England - Dwayne Matthews, a 29-year-old man was at a house party when a van pulled up selling snakes. Dwayne bought Bruce, a 10 ft long Python, with the intent to sell him later. Unfortunately for Dwayne, Bruce was stolen property, and pretty mad about it.

Dwayne awoke the next morning to see Bruce the Snake trying to eat his sleeping friend. After saving his friend, Dwayne tried to sell Bruce to a local pet shop and was arrested for possession of stolen goods.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Collar and Leash Pet Boutique - The Oldest Pet Store in Chicago has Stopped Selling Dogs from Puppy Mills

Chicago’s oldest pet store, Collar and Leash Pet Boutique, has decided to make some big changes.

Sonja Raymond’s family has been operating Collar & Leash since 1956, buying the dogs it sells from puppy mills.

“You know I had gone on the word of my distributors that I get my dogs from that ‘Oh yeah these people are reputable, I’ve known them for years.’ Within the past year I have found out they lied.”

So, Raymond has decided no more. Instead, Collar & Leash will sponsor adoptions from shelters and shelter rescues.

It is a decision championship dog owner Grace Tydings believes is long overdue.

“There are dogs that are basically pumping out litters of litters of litters of puppies until they basically die. It is pretty disgusting,” said Tydings.

As for Raymond and her pet store, stopping the sale of puppy mill dogs could also make good business sense.

“I have actually received a ton of feedback and it has all been excellent,” said Raymond.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pit Bull Legislation- Bill in Danger - House and Senate Committees Close to Deadlock!

If your legislator sits on THE COMMITTEES hearing the bill that addresses the Court of Appeals ruling declaring pit bulls "inherently dangerous" then please ACT NOW!  Very different bills (HB 78/SB 160) that would BOTH remedy the ruling have passed the House and Senate but the differences in these bills must be resolved for it to move forward. The House Judiciary committee hearing to consider the Senate version of the bill is Wednesday, March 27th.

The bill is in danger and we are running out of time – The Senate and House versions of the bill are quite different. This could lead to a deadlock that would mean the legislative session could end without a solution. Many people would be forced to choose between their beloved dog and their home.

Why should I care if I don't have a pit bull? –People who care about Maryland's dogs (whether you have a pit bull or not) MUST make your voices heard or many dogs will be turned into our already overcrowded shelters and euthanized. This Court of Appeals ruling must be resolved or this dangerous precedent could eventually affect additional breeds of dogs, both large and small.

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Dogs Prayer

I did not write this prayer, but found it so beautiful that I had to share. Arthur unknown.

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One of the Cutest Videos You Will Ever See - Cat Leads Dog Home by Leash

If you haven't seen this video yet, you are in for a treat! This is one of the cutest videos that I have seen. I am sharing.


Meet The Cornish Rex Cat - Often Called the Greyhound of the Cat World

It’s hard not to stare or take a second glance at this cat with giant bat like ears perched on an egg-shaped head and a soft, curly coat. Go ahead and declare the Cornish Rex to be funny-looking. He won’t take offense. In fact, he is a happy-go-lucky comedian who loves to perform tricks and show off new antics to his favorite people. He may even outrace the family dog in a game of fetch. This is one cat who is never shy when it comes to demonstrating his delight in being with you.

The most striking feature of the breed is its very noticeably curly coat. Ideally falling in marcel waves, the coat is very short, lies close to the body, and is incredibly soft to the touch, prompting comparisons to cut velvet, karakul lamb, rabbit fur, or silk. In fact, nothing else feels exactly like a Cornish Rex coat.

Although otherworldly in appearance, Cornish Rex cats originated in Cornwall, England, where one first appeared in a litter of barn cats in 1950. A cream-colored male, named Kallibunker, was covered in tight rows of tiny curls, giving him the appearance of a miniature lamb. As he grew, his differences from his littermates became more dramatic: a slender, fine-boned body standing on long legs, a narrow head, enormous “bat ears,” and a long, whippy tail. Kallibunker was a genuine mutation and was bred back to his mother to produce curly kittens. The curly coated cats were bred with Burmese, Siamese, and British domestic shorthair cats, resulting in a broad genetic base for the Cornish Rex breed and the knowledge that the gene was recessive.

Some Rexes enjoy retrieving and will bring back objects for you to toss again and again. They are adept climbers, leapers, and sprinters, and have marvelously agile paws. No shelf or cupboard is safe from a persistent Cornish.

In selecting a Cornish Rex kitten, consider what characteristics are most important to you and discuss them with the breeder, who usually knows each kitten and can help match you with the right one.

Is the Cornish Rex Hypoallergenic?
Despite the assumption that the Cornish rex's lack of hair makes the cat breed hypoallergenic, this is not necessarily true. It should be recognized that no one cat (or dog) is truly capable of being hypoallergenic.


Is this Your Typical Violent and Aggressive Pit Bull? Take a Look at this Picture!

This picture went viral on Reddit over the weekend. A cute pit bull with a bird on its head surrounded by bunnies!

It's no secret that pit bulls get a bad rap. Myths that the dogs have "locking jaws" and always fight to the death are widespread, and studies have shown that the media sensationalize pit bull attacks.


Friday, March 22, 2013

IAMS Shakeable Turkey and Lamb Dog Treats Voluntary Recall

Proctor and Gamble has issued a voluntary market withdrawal of Iams Shakeables Turkey and Lamb Dog Treats with certain ‘Impacted Lot Numbers’ listed below. These treats are being voluntarily withdrawn due to potential for mold growth.

According to the retailer, no other products are affected. Proctor and Gamble claims it has not received any reports of human or pet illnesses.

                      What Products Are Being Withdrawn?

To identify the affected lots, consumers should refer to the first 4 numbers of the second line on the bottom of the can.

What Should You Do?
The bulletin warns users to stop feeding the affected products and to return any remaining Iams Shakeables Turkey and Lamb Dog Treats affected by the voluntary withdrawal to their closest PetSmart store for a full refund.

Readers with questions about this event are invited to call Proctor and Gamble (Iams) at 877-894-4458.

You can report complaints about FDA-regulated pet food products by calling the consumer complaint coordinator in your area.

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

SPCA/Humane Society of Prince George's County - Baltimore County is Looking to Partner with a Nonprofit to Manage its Shelter - What Do You Think?

Baltimore County is looking to partner with a nonprofit to manage its shelter. The municipal shelters in Howard County, Anne Arundel County, and Prince George's County are run by the respective county governments, but many in humane circles believe that nonprofit management produces better results. What do you think?

To read the full story, click here:
Nonprofit is sought to help run Baltimore County animal shelter.


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Miranda Lambert Rescues a Puppy from the Side of a Highway!

It was Miranda Lambert to the rescue this week when the country music superstar – and dog lover – saved an abandoned puppy from a scary fate on the side of an Oklahoma highway.

"I just picked this up on the west side of Tishomingo on hwy 22. Please contact Tish animal shelter if he is yours," the 29-year-old, who recently chatted with omg! about her “five and a half” rescue dogs (she co-owns one with her grandmother), tweeted Tuesday, along with this precious picture.

Lambert, who is married to Blake Shelton, also detailed the rescue mission.

"He was in the middle of the hwy with his food bowl and bed... If it wasn't an accident someone is really sick," Lambert wrote. "I guess the pup is mine till I find him a little boy somewhere to love him!"

When she does find a new owner for the pooch – and we're sure the offers are already flowing in – the four-legged friend will come complete with a new name.

"I'm calling him 'Pistol Andy' in honor of the @PistolAnnies record #annieup being announced today! lil Andy:)," Lambert tweeted, referring to her side gig with the girl group.

Fingers crossed "lil Andy" finds a home soon. Until then, he is clearly in good hands.


Have You Heard About Rescue Ink? Advocacy, Protection - This is the Army for the Animals

Rescue Ink is a non-profit animal welfare organization with 501c3 status.

We back up animal rescue groups such as the ASPCA, SPCA, The Humane Society and many smaller rescue groups all over the world. When there is a situation that gets out of control you can rely on us. We are comprised of street guys, military personnel, police officers, private investigators and lawyers. Not to mention an amazing network and core group of volunteers that is second to none. Rescue Ink does whatever necessary within the means of the law — that's what our lawyers tell us to say — to fight abuse and neglect of all kinds.

The Facts

Most of the animals we rescue will spend the rest of their lives with us — at the Rescue Ink Facility. As a true non-profit, we rely on donations and support from friends, fans and communities worldwide to keep the shelter alive and provide a safe haven for the animals.

We invite you to explore our home on the web for more in-depth information. It's people like you, with an interest in our mission, who make the difference.

Visit them on Facebook:

Visit their website:

For ABUSE or RESCUE CASES - or call our 24 Hour Hotline 1-855- RSCUINK (772-8465)

Rescue Ink was recently in Washington, DC, spreading awareness to their mission:

Joe Panz and Big Ant are just two of the members of Rescue Ink. They starred in the hit NatGeo reality show that followed their work helping pets on Long Island. They're in town to bring more awareness to their mission as part of this year's Super Pet Expo and stopped by FOX 5.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Decline in the Monarch Butterfly Population Now Marks a Statistical Long-Term Trend

Mexico City - The number of monarch butterflies making it to their winter refuge in Mexico dropped 59 percent this year, falling to the lowest level since comparable record-keeping began 20 years ago, scientists reported Wednesday.

It was the third straight year of declines for the orange-and-black butterflies that migrate from the United States and Canada to spend the winter sheltering in mountaintop fir forests in central Mexico. Six of the last seven years have shown drops, and there are now only one-fifteenth as many butterflies as there were in 1997.

The decline in the monarch population now marks a statistical long-term trend and can no longer be seen as a combination of yearly or seasonal events, the experts said.
But they differed on the possible causes.

Illegal logging in the reserve established in the monarch wintering grounds was long thought to contribute, but such logging has been vastly reduced by increased protection, enforcement and alternative development programs in Mexico.

The World Wildlife Fund, one of the groups that sponsored the butterfly census, blamed climate conditions and agricultural practices, especially the use of pesticides that kill off the monarchs' main food source, milkweed. The butterflies breed and live in the north in the summer, and migrate to Mexico in the winter.

"The decrease of monarch butterflies ... probably is due to the negative effects of reduction in milkweed and extreme variation in the United States and Canada," the fund and its partner organizations said in a statement.

Omar Vidal, the World Wildlife Fund director in Mexico, said: "The conservation of the monarch butterfly is a shared responsibility between Mexico, the United States and Canada. By protecting the reserves and having practically eliminated large-scale illegal logging, Mexico has done its part."

"It is now necessary for the United States and Canada to do their part and protect the butterflies' habitat in their territories," Vidal said.

Logging was once considered the main threat to the reserve, located west of Mexico City. At its peak in 2005, logging devastated as many as 1,140 acres (461 hectares) annually in the reserve, which covers 193,000 acres (56,259-hectares). But a 2012 aerial survey showed almost no detectable logging, the first time that logging had not been found in detectable amounts since the mountaintop forests were declared a nature reserve in 2000.

The loss of milkweed in the monarchs' summering areas in the north can make it hard for the butterflies to lay eggs, and for the offspring that do hatch to find enough food to grow to maturity. In addition, unusually hot or dry weather can kill eggs, meaning fewer adult butterflies. For butterflies that reach adulthood, unusual cold, lack of water or tree cover in Mexico can mean they're less likely to survive the winter.

Lincoln Brower, a leading entomologist at Sweet Briar College in Virginia, said in a statement that "the report of the dwindling monarch butterfly winter residence in Mexico is ominous."

"This is not just the lowest population recorded in the 20 years for which we have records," Brower said. "It is the continuation of a statistically significant decrease in the monarch population that began at least a decade ago."

However, Brower differed on whether small-scale logging, the diversion of water resources and other disruptive activity in the reserves in Mexico are playing a role in the decline.

"To blame the low numbers of monarchs solely on what is happening north of Mexico is misleading," Brower said. "Herbiciding of soybean and corn fields that kills milkweed is a serious problem, but the historical decline over the past 19 years has multiple causes."

"All three countries need to face up to the fact that it is our collective activities that are killing the migratory phenomenon of the monarch butterfly," he said.

Homero Aridjis, a writer and environmentalist, said, "The decline in butterflies in the (Mexico) reserve is truly alarming."

Aridjis is from Contepec, a town in Michoacan state where monarchs used to appear in the fall but don't show up anymore. Six other communities in and around the reserve that once had butterflies saw no detectable numbers this year. Aridjis cited a lack of control on tourists, crime in the area and small-scale logging as threats to the reserve.

The head of Mexico's nature reserves, Luis Fueyo, said there are still some problem to be solved at the wintering grounds in Mexico, including some scale-logging and water availability. The monarchs don't drink any water throughout their long migration until the reach Mexico, and the mountain streams in the area have been affected by drought and human use.

The migration is an inherited trait. No butterfly lives to make the round-trip. The millions of monarchs cluster so densely on tree boughs in the reserve that researchers don't count their individual numbers but rather measure the amount of forest they cover.

This winter, the butterflies covered just 2.93 acres (1.19 hectares), down from 7.14 acres (2.89 hectares) last year. (AP)

Take a look at the videos below to see these beautiful butterflies.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dog Swallows Over 100 Pennies

New York City, NY - A  cute little Jack Russell Terrier,  appropriately named Jack, swallowed at least $1.11 in change last weekend while his owner, Tim Kelleher, wasn't looking, according to Dr. Amy Zalcman, the senior emergency doctor at BluePearl Veterinary Partners who oversaw Jack's treatment.

Kelleher took Jack to the BluePearl clinic in Manhattan Saturday afternoon after he noticed the pennies were gone and his dog was sick and vomiting.

X-rays performed on the 13-year-old dog immediately showed a collection of pennies inside his body so veterinarians performed an endoscopy, using a camera to locate the pennies.  It took an internal  medicine specialist nearly two hours to remove all of the 111 pennies still left in Jack's system.  The doctor removed them four to five at a time, grabbing them with the scope and placing them in an attached basket, according to Zalcman.

"I would say he's a very lucky dog," she told  "First, that we were able to get them all out by scope and not surgery, and that he hasn't had any secondary signs of zinc toxicity."

Owner Kelleher told the New York Daily News his "voracious Tasmanian devil" of a pet was going after a bagel when he got the pennies instead.

"He climbed on my desk to get at the bag with the bagel and knocked the change all over the floor," said Kelleher, who could not be reached today by  "While he was licking up the crumbs, he swallowed the pennies."

Zalcman said the zinc pennies could have caused damage to Jack's kidneys, liver and red blood cells and eventually blocked his intestines, especially given the amount that he swallowed.

"We certainly see pennies consumed by dogs but not in this magnitude," she said.  "That's what is so extreme about this case."

Jack's owner said his dog is back to his normal self after the nearly $2,500 procedure, part of which was paid for by Tampa-based Frankie's Friends, an animal charity.

"He's driving me crazy again," Kelleher told the Daily News.


Diamond Pet Foods Issues Cat Food Recall in 25 States

Diamond Pet Foods issues recall due to low levels of thiamine. Cats fed product long-term could be at risk for thiamine deficiency.

Select Diamond Pet Foods products may have low levels of thiamine (Vitamin B1) prompting the voluntary recall of Premium Edge Finicky Adult Cat Formula dry cat food, Premium Edge Senior Cat Hairball Management Formula dry cat food, Premium Edge Kitten Formula dry cat food, Diamond Naturals Kitten Formula dry cat food and 4health All Life Stages Cat Formula dry cat food. According to a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) release, cats fed the recalled product exclusively for several weeks may be at risk for developing a thiamine deficiency.

The following production codes have been recalled:
  • Premium Edge Finicky Adult Cat Formula, 18-pound bags, distributed in Massachusetts with a “Best by” date of July 10, 2013, and production code NGF0703.
  • Premium Edge Finicky Adult Cat Formula, six-pound bags, distributed in Florida, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, with “Best by” dates of Aug. 15, 2013, and Aug. 16, 2013, and production code NGF0802.
  • Premium Edge Senior Cat Hairball Management Formula, six-pound and 18-pound bags, distributed in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Oklahoma, with “Best by” dates of Jan. 3, 2014, and Jan. 4, 2014, and production code NGS0101.
  • Premium Edge Senior Cat Hairball Management Formula, six-pound and 18-pound bags, distributed in Florida, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, with a “Best by” date of July 10, 2013, and production code NGS0702.
  • Premium Edge Kitten Formula, six-ounce samples, six-pound and 18-pound bags, distributed in Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia, with “Best by” dates of Sept. 26, 2013, Sept. 29, 2013, Sept. 30, 2013, Oct. 2, 2013, and production code MKT0901.
  • Diamond Naturals Kitten Formula, six-ounce sample and six-pound bags, distributed in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, with a “Best by” date of Sept. 30, 2013, and production code MKT0901.
  • 4health All Life Stages Cat Formula, five-pound and 18-pound bags, distributed in Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, with “Best by” dates of Aug. 14, 2013, and Aug. 18, 2013, and production code NGF0802.

At this time, there have been no complaints regarding thiamine levels, or any other health issues, related to these products. However, after tests conducted by the company indicated low levels of thiamine, the FDA says Diamond Pet Foods tested all other Diamond brands for thiamine deficiency to ensure product safety. No other product manufactured by Diamond Pet Foods is involved in this recall.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Pet Owners You May Be Paying More for Vet Care

Pet owners, you may want to start saving more money for veterinarian care this year. The reason goes all the way back to Washington and an unintended consequence from medical reform.

Dog owner Lori Heiselman was surprised where her veterinarian posted a warning on Facebook.

The notice read: “Because medical equipment and supplies will be going up in cost, that extra expense will have to passed on to the customers.”

So Lori is already tightening her belt to pay for the increase in her dog’s care. Though she doesn’t like it, she’s willing to pay more for her pets.

“They’re very important. They’re members of the family,” said Heiselman.

Why the increase? Its part of a new 2.3-percent federal excise tax on certain medical devices that just went into effect. The tax will help fund the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, intended for people, not pets. Manufacturers pay the tax, but a recent survey found more than half plan to pass it along.

Some vets say they can’t afford it. Dr. Mike Hatcher is one of them. He explained, “I’m extremely concerned how this is going to be a hidden tax to our consumers that is going to be passed on.”

How does this work? Medical devices used only on animals are exempt. However, items including IV pumps, sterile scalpels and anesthesia equipment, which are medical devices that have a dual use, meaning they can be used on people and animals, will be taxed. Hatcher said, “Putting off an equipment purchase is something that can terribly affect our clients’ ability to have quality care.”

The American Veterinary Medical Association represents 82,000 vets. At this point, they don’t know how much this new tax will indirectly cost them. The organizations members are waiting to hear from more device makers.

Dr. Mark Lutschaunig is the director of the Governmental Relations Division of the American Veterinary Medical Association.

“Congress never intended for this tax to impact veterinarian medicine and unfortunately it has, and I think that’s very unfortunate that veterinarian medicine now is subsidizing human health care,” said Dr. Lutschaunig.

Congressional sources who worked on the Affordable Care Act said lawmakers tried to exclude vets from being affected by the dual use medical devices tax, but it was too complicated.

Carol Smock knows about complications. She founded a charity that helps struggling pet owners pay for vet care. Smock started Brown Dog Foundation after struggling to pay for her chocolate lab’s medical bills while she was unemployed. Her organization is a 501c3 public charity that provides funding to families who find themselves in similar situations: A sick pet that would likely respond to treatment, but due to an unforeseen circumstance, there is not enough money immediately available to make it happen.

Smock is afraid The Brown Dog Foundation is going to be overwhelmed with requests.

“The impact this price increase is going to have on any of those families I think will be pretty devastating.”

Lori Heiselman said she worries about other families too, but she’ll find the money for her four-legged friends. “We’ll just have to cut back somewhere else.”

Veterinarians say, if your pet is sick or acting strangely, don’t delay care. That could just cause medical problems to get worse.

If you’re concerned with the cost of vet care, be sure to talk with your vet about payment plans or other financial options.


Monday, March 11, 2013

His Dog Was Really His Best Friend - Cemetery Allows Dog to Sleep on His Owners Grave Every Night

A faithful dog has refused to leave the side of his dead master's grave for six years.

A German Shepherd, named Capitan ran away from home after the death of his owner, Argentinian, Miguel Guzman in 2006.

A week later Mr Guzman's family went to pay their respects and found the heartbroken pet sitting by his owner's grave, wailing.

Since then the grieving dog has rarely left the spot at the cemetery in the town of Villa Carlos Paz, central Argentina.

Mr Guzman bought Capitan as a present for his 13-year-old son Damian in 2005.

He died suddenly in March the next year, but by the time his family had returned home from the funeral Capitan was gone.

Mr Guzman's widow Veronica told Argentina's Cordoba newspaper: "We searched for him but he had vanished. We thought he must have got run over and died".

"The following Sunday we went to the cemetery and Damian recognised his pet. Capitan came up to us, barking and wailing, as if he were crying".

She added: "We had never taken him to the cemetery so it is a mystery how he managed to find the place".

"We went back the next Sunday, and he was there again. This time, he followed us home and spent a bit of time with us, but then went back to the cemetery before it started getting dark".

"I don't think he wanted to leave Miguel on his own at night".

The cemetery's director, Hector Baccega remembers the day he first saw the dog. He said: "He turned up here one day, all on his own, and started wandering all around the cemetery until he eventually found the tomb of his master".

"During the day he sometimes has a walk around the cemetery, but always rushes back to the grave. And every day, at six o'clock sharp, he lies down on top of the grave stays there all night".

Mr Baccega said staff at the cemetery are now feeding and taking care of Capitan.

Mr Guzman's son Damian said: "I've tried to bring Capitan home several times, but he always comes straight back to the cemetery. I think he's going to be there until he dies too. He's looking after my dad".

The story is similar to that of Hachiko, an Akita who is said to have waited at a Tokyo train station for its master to return each day for nine years from May 1925, following owner Hidesaburo Ueno's death at work.

Loyal: Capitan has not left the side of Miguel Guzman's grave since 2006 - and sleeps on top of it every night.

His Masters Grave: The German Shepherd ran away from the family home shortly after Mr Guzman's funeral and miraculously found his resting place.

Protector: Although it has been six years since Mr Guzman's death Capitan proves a faithful companion and guards his grave day and night.

Here to stay: Mr Guzman's son Damian has tried to bring Capitan home but he always runs back to the cemetery in Villa Carlos Paz.
