The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too : NSPCA The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too : NSPCA
Showing posts with label NSPCA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NSPCA. Show all posts

Monday, December 14, 2015

Why Dogs Growl

Today we will focus on how to read dogs in order to prevent being bitten. Dogs communicate with us and other animals in various ways and we will look at some of these.

It is human nature to tell the dog off when it growls at your child or new puppy. However if we teach them not to provide a warning before they bite, they will bite without warning. "If you take the growl out of the dog it is just like taking the batteries out of a fire alarm", was quoted at a recently Dog-Bite Prevention conference.

When a dog growls at a child or new puppy it is probably because the dog has had enough or its space has been invaded. It is important to teach children not to play with a dog that is eating or chewing a toy, when it is in its kennel or lying on its bed, sleeping, etc. The reason for this is that dogs also need privacy and we should respect that.

When a child or new puppy are becoming too much for the dog it is best to remove them from the situation and keep them occupied elsewhere. The growl was a warning to stop and if this warning is not heeded the next step would be for the dog to snap or bite to make the warning clear.

Teach your children to be safe around dogs whether they be your own, a friend’s, family members’ or strange dogs. Respect their space and if they hear a growl to stop doing what they are doing and move away from the dog. Be safe!
