A petition was created on Change.org asking that “Dog Whisperer” Cesar Millan be taken off the air – and it has fueled a heated debate from supporters and detractors alike.
The petition states:
Cesar Millan has no formal behavior education. He cites discredited scientific studies as the basis for his methods. His methods create pain and fear, put the subject animal at risk, put people who attempt his methods at risk of physical harm and put other innocent animals at risk from the animals he has traumatized. What he does is abuse - not training.
There are many excellent behaviorists who could teach humane, intelligent methods through a program. National Geographic used to be known as an organization that advocated for humans, animals and the environment but by supporting Mr. Milan they have shown themselves to have sold out to popularity and cash.
Those who have signed the petition include animal lovers, dog trainers, and veterinarians. One signer wrote:
As a professional dog trainer I encounter numerous cases of benign behaviors which have, through the use of ‘what Cesar does on TV,’ become dangerous and pathological...
Another wrote:
I am a veterinarian and his training methods are barbaric, outdated, and arcane.
Yet another wrote:
As…someone who has spent the last seven years learning about the differences between positive and negative-reinforcement training, I implore you to remove this show from the air. We would welcome a program that deals with training from qualified dog trainers and behaviorists utilizing proven methods.
Supporters of Cesar Millan have stated on social media that Cesar is a steadfast animal advocate whose methods save lives. One supporter wrote:
Cesar has helped so many people save dogs that would have been destroyed and he is an advocate for pit bulls.
Another stated:
...anybody, that fights so hard for all dogs everywhere to be given correct care, proper love, support and discipline is to be adored...
A third supporter stated:
He has done more for raising awareness of how wonderful Pit bull type dogs can be than anybody else!
What do you think? Should the “Dog Whisperer” be taken off the air – or is this petition without merit?
See petition here:
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