The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too : Avocados The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too : Avocados
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Showing posts with label Avocados. Show all posts

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Did You Know These 30 Foods Are Harmful To Dogs?

Here's a common scene for a dog owner: You're trying to eat and there is this pup that you love, staring up at you. Whining. Pawing. Looking so cute and sad. So, you cave in and share your food — it just doesn't seem possible to say "no". 

But before you become a sucker to those sad doggie eyes again, it's important to know which foods are actually safe for your dog to consume. Some human food is safe and even healthy for your dog, but there are lots of other foods that can be very harmful — it's not just chocolate you need to avoid. 

The following are the foods your dog should never eat, even when they beg and try to get the best of you. Some of these foods are incredibly toxic to our four-legged friends, and some can lead to health issues if given too frequently. Either way, we hope you think twice about feeding your pup human food after reading this list. Your dog might not thank you right away, but you'll both be better off!

And, as always, when in doubt, err on the side of caution. And while these foods aren't good for dogs across the board, individual animals can even have allergies and adverse reactions to foods that are "safe".   By Liz Marple

To read more on this story, click here: Did You Know These 30 Foods Are Harmful To Dogs?
