The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too

Monday, October 27, 2014

Are Domestic Dogs Losing The Ability To Get Along with Each Other?

Six months ago, I traveled to a small town in Belize. Over a week’s time I had several opportunities to observe the “village dogs”. These are free-roaming dogs that may or may not have owners. My first response to them was sympathy. As a rule they are thin and lack the robust look and activity level of the typical European or American pet dog.

But the more I watched them, the more I started to feel sympathy for my own dogs back at home instead.The Village dogs were free to come and go. They slept in yards and outside the doors of local shops. Some approached people for attention or food, others played with each other without incident. Their body language was loose and relaxed.

After six days of observation, I had not seen one fight between dogs or any aggression towards people. What do these dogs know that the average dog in the United States doesn’t know? Are domestic dogs in “developed” countries losing the ability to get along with each other?

Based on the number of phone calls behavior specialists like myself receive in a month about dog-dog aggression, I’d say the answer is, YES. So, with all the advantages money can buy, why are our pet dogs becoming more and more aggressive with each other?

The answer:
Lack of regular, frequent interaction with a variety of stable dogs of varying ages
Ignorance of dog culture and social communication skills
Expectations that all dogs must get along with each other
Isolation, Confinement, Lack of Good Teachers, Ignorance of Dog Culture, Mistaken Expectations

Typical pet dogs start their socially isolated lives when they leave their litter mates and move in with humans, often as an only dog. Isolation during puppyhood prevents them from learning critical social skills and body language from stable adult dogs and other puppies.

But, socialization is a buzz word that is poorly understood and often dispensed without specific techniques for success.

By the time I met her, Emma had become a statistic; she was the Grand Slam of socialization mistakes. A new client had adopted Emma from a local rescue at 4 month of age. They were told, “This dog needs plenty of socialization”. They were sent on their way to guess what “plenty of socialization” means. The dog spent the next 4 months being flooded with trips to the dog park, leash walks through the crowded streets of the local farmers market, being led right up the noses of other dogs, and a week long stay at a boarding kennel.

As it turns out, Emma’s natural temperament was extremely cautious and she had learned some disastrous lessons about the world. Her owners, like many others, had only good intentions, but no reliable information.They believed what most people believe, “all dogs must get along with each other and with every person they meet“. By 8 months, Emma had become fear aggressive towards other dogs and extremely timid meeting new people.

The village dogs in Belize have so many advantages over dogs like Emma. They are never leashed so they always have the ability to move a safe distance from potential threats. Compared to our dogs, who are tied to us and set out like the goat in Jurassic Park, with no way to escape, the Village dogs learn to use innate body language signals to work out social contact peacefully.

When a pet dog is presented to another dog on leash the result will normally be one of two responses:

Over-exuberance (brought on by a lack of education about social skills)
Avoidance and fear
The first scenario may cause the other dog to “correct” the dog with growling or snapping. The second situation may result in the fearful dog learning to skip all the lower level warning signals and go straight to the bark, snap or bite to protect themselves because it’s the only thing that works.

According to Dr. Ian Dunbar, veterinarian, dog behaviorist, speaker and author, “Free- Roaming Village puppies enter a functional social group. They are low man on the totem pole and they learn pretty quickly who to avoid and when to avoid them.

Dr. Dunbar shares that village puppies are taught the following lessons without overt aggression by stable adult members of the group.

Be polite. It’s not okay to run up to an adult dog’s face
Avert your gaze
Acknowledge your lower rank
Ask for permission to approach, investigate or play

Our puppies and dogs, in order to live safely in our culture, are fenced, crated, confined inside the house and leashed. In general, they have no social group to teach them how to get along with other dogs. So we take them to puppy class to give them at least a few weeks of social exposure. If the owners are lucky, they find an instructor who has an extensive education about puppy behavior from which to learn. But many owners don’t continue the dog’s education into adolescence.

More and more young dogs become unruly and socially awkward. Some become bullies and others are just downright dangerous. A few of these dogs end up being “socialized” in our dog parks. It’s a dog’s natural instinct to avoid dogs that are threatening, but how can a frightened dog avoid an out of control “canine missile” that is barreling towards them across an enclosed park? It is rare for either of the owners to intervene when this happens.

Animal ethologist, Marc Bekoff, Phd, writes in The Animal Manifesto: Six Reasons for Expanding Our Compassion Footprint

“Animals at play are constantly working to understand and follow the rules and to communicate heir intentions to play fairly.They fine-tune their behavior on the run, carefully monitoring the behavior of their play partners and paying close attention to infractions of the agreed-upon rules. Four basic aspects of fair play in animals are: Ask first, be honest, follow the rules, and admit you're wrong. When the rules of play are violated, and when fairness breaks down, so does play.”

What Needs To Change to Keep Our Dogs Productively Social?

Operation Socialization: Follow the common sense rules set out by Operation Socialization, an online resource for creating an emotionally and behaviorally healthy puppy

Never force: Take it slow with your dog or puppy. Don’t force him to face something he finds scary or unpleasant. Instead, gradually create a positive association with the scary situation until your puppy confidently and willingly meets the challenge.

Help Them Create Appropriate Distance: Because our dogs need to walk safely on a leash, create distance for them by moving away from other dogs and then evaluating that dog’s behavior. Read Calming Signals by Turid Rugaas to learn how to “arc” around other dogs to simulate natural calming behavior.
Educate Yourself: Take classes where the dogs are treated with respect. Use positive methods that will instill trust in the dog and create safe and favorable associations with other dogs (and other people). Get help from a professional.

Safe Socialization Scenarios: In addition to puppy socialization, consider Day care for adolescent dogs. Many dog day care facilities offer play groups that respect each dog’s play style so that rambunctious players don’t mix with shy or quiet dogs. Your dog should be evaluated by a knowledgable staff member for play “fitness”. Or find a neighbor who’s dog has appropriate play skills that match that of your own dog and get these dogs together for play regularly.
Dogs need fences: Based on laws governing property rights and for the safety of our canine family members, we do need fences. If your dog can see other dogs through windows or fences and their response is to bark, fence fight or become overly aroused, create a visual obstruction so the dog can’t rehearse this frustrated or territorial aggression. Many owners want their dogs to “see” the world go by because it’s the dog’s only boredom busting activity. Give your dog safe chew toys or problem solving “puzzle” activities.Take them for long runs in the park to work off excess energy. Interrupt fence running or window barking and take away the dog’s access to this scenario.

Dog Park? If your dog has a history of aggression or fear, do not take them to dog parks. Dog Parks are for the safe play of socially healthy dogs who have the right to play without being set up as “bait” for other aggressive dogs. If your dog is fearful, it is a short ride to aggression if even other friendly players approach them. Contact a behavior specialist or trainer who will help you to find appropriate activities for your dog and who will teach you how to safely and compassionately improve your dog’s responses to other dogs.

Dogs discriminate. It is to their advantage to be able to decide who is safe to have contact with and who isn’t. Nobody’s dog needs to be friends with every dog they meet and if your dog “corrects” another dog for inappropriately dangerous social behavior, don’t punish the corrector. A dog who growls or snaps at an unruly adolescent is well within their rights to teach the other dog what they are doing wrong. The unruly dog actually needs this kind of response to learn the rules of social interaction. Move the dogs away from each other. Don’t let the “correction” escalate to self-defense.

Sharing is not a survival strategy. Don’t expect your dog to share valuable food or chew items. If your dog covers his filled Kong with his head, freezes and lifts his lip at an approaching dog, understand that this is normal dog behavior and a productive communication to the other dog.The higher the value of the resource, especially food resources, the more likely a dog will actively guard them. If necessary, separate dogs when offering high value chew items.

Be your dog’s advocate. Respect who they are and keep them safe.

There are still many dogs in North America and Europe that are dog friendly, but, the scales are starting to tip towards a new “norm” where dogs have no practical social skills when it comes to getting along with other dogs. We are our dog’s guardians. We take on the responsibility to create lives for them that are safe, happy and productive. We need to become the facilitators of a good social education. We owe them at least that much.

Sharing from: Laura Brody

Meet Tom, the Cat that Comforts Dying Patients at the VA Medical Center in Salem, Virginia

In the final moments of his life, Edwin Gehlert was surrounded by his family and loved ones. But as he took his last breaths, a somewhat unfamiliar face was curled up right next to Gehlert on his hospital bed. That face belonged to Tom, the tabby cat.

"We had seen Tom in and out of daddy's room on a few of our visits," Gehlert's daughter Pam Thompson said. “But on that day it’s like he knew something was different.”

Tom sat with Gehlert and comforted him and his family, placing his paw in Gehlert's hand immediately after his passing.

“I would never have believed a cat could have touched my heart like this cat did, but I truly felt like God was speaking to me that afternoon through Tom,” Thompson said. “It was as if Tom's paw was God's hand leading my daddy up towards that light to heaven, just as I had been begging him to do for weeks.”

Tom is responsible for many comforting stories since arriving at the VA Medical Center in Salem, Virginia, in May 2012.

Laura Hart, the lead physician's assistant at the Salem VA, said she came up with the idea to bring Tom to the palliative care unit after hearing Dr. David Dosa speak at a conference in Denver. Dosa is the author of “Making Rounds with Oscar,” a book about a cat named Oscar who comforted Alzheimer’s patients in a nursing center in Rhode Island.

"We’re trying to make it a home-like environment, which is hard to do in a hospital,” Hart said. “But we know the little things, like a pet, make it more bearable.”

Hart and colleague Dottie Rizzo, the VA's hospice and palliative care coordinator, then began their search for the perfect cat. They found a veterinarian in Salem who asked local shelters for a cat that they think would fit the bill. Salem Animal Shelter immediately thought of their cat Tom. He ended up being the perfect match.

“We have seen first-hand the impact that he makes on the families and the patients and even our staff,” Rizzo said. “A hospice can be a really sad place to be and work and Tom brings a calmness and normalcy to our unit. We try to be a home-like environment and a pet kind of takes it to the level that maybe it is a little more like home here with him.”

Tom helps lift the spirits of patients, families and staff alike, Hart said, noting that families are comforted by his presence, knowing that when they leave the VA their loved ones will find company in a small, furry friend.

“Families don’t want their loved ones being alone, and it’s comforting for them to know Tom is there,” Hart said. “And it’s amazing how many of the families really feel that Tom is there to be with their family member when they die, whether he kind of comes and herds the family into the room right before the patient passes, or he just curls up on a patient’s bed in their final hours.”

And that experience leaves families with a little more peace and serenity in some of their toughest moments, just like it did for Thompson and her family.

“I left the VA that afternoon with a smile on my face and love in my heart knowing that my father was now at peace and on his way to a wonderful new adventure and it was all with the help of Tom the Cat," Thompson said.

How This Baby Orphaned Bat Reacts To Being Loved Will Steal Your Heart - It’s Priceless!

Lil’ Drac is a little orphaned short-tailed bat. This little baby bat was very lucky as it got rescued by Weatherford, Texas Bat World Sanctuary. It is a no-profit organization dedicated towards the preservation of hundreds of bats.

Bat World Sanctuary offers rehabilitation and release programs and even lifelong sanctuary programs to non releasable bats. Bat population is in a rapid decline. More than half of the native bats of USA are endangered. Watch this man giving a loving care to this baby bat.


Feline Panleukopenia Virus Outbreak Hits Indianapolis Animal Care and Control

An outbreak of feline panleukopenia virus has hit the Indianapolis Animal Care and Control shelter, according to WTHR-TV Channel 13, and numerous cats have been infected.

Panleukopenia is highly contagious and often fatal. It is A feline disease similar to parvovirus in dogs. There is no cure for the virus and cats receive supportive care if infected.

Most of the cats at the Indianapolis Animal Care and Control (IACC) have been placed in local rescues and shelters. Those infected will receive supportive care. The virus spread quickly amongst the shelter cats due to close quarters. Symptoms can include vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and abdominal pain, and is spread through direct contact. Some cats may exhibit no symptoms at all.

The IACC has closed its cat section so the staff can disinfect the area. The shelter will need anywhere from 72 hours to two weeks to decontaminate the cat housing area. The shelter will not be accepting owner-surrenders during this time. Any cat surrendered while the cat section is closed is at high risk for euthanasia. Stray cats will be brought to Indy Feral, A Ttrap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program for community cats. FOLLOW US!

Yakima Valley Pet Rescue Volunteer Finds Four Filthy, Freezing Puppies Stranded in a Crate by the Side of the Highway

 Who knows how long four filthy, freezing puppies were stranded in a crate by the side of the highway – but thanks to a vigilant rescuer, these dogs have a second chance to find loving families.

On Friday afternoon, a volunteer for Yakima Valley Pet Rescue was driving along the highway in Yakima, Washington, when she saw the crate on the side of the road. According to Yakima Valley Pet Rescue’s Facebook page, when the volunteer, named Gina, stopped to retrieve the crate, she saw “four freezing cold and filthy puppies all huddled together in back of this crate.” The tiny pups were pushed tightly together to provide warmth and comfort to one another.

Yakima Valley Pet Rescue took in the four puppies, cleaned them up, and provided them with warm baths. The puppies have now been vaccinated and de-wormed. They have full bellies and are full of hope, thanks to the organization’s staff and volunteers.

The organization stated on their Facebook page on Friday:

We think they are a mix of many, looks like some scruffy wirehair and maybe some blue heeler with that coloring...They are 3.5 months old and the smallest weighs 7.4 pounds. They have nice, soft, medium-length coats. They’re three brothers and one sister.”

The puppies have been thriving with the care of Yakima Valley Pet Rescue’s staff and volunteers. The organization stated on their Facebook page today: “The little highway pups are coming along! They are happy little ones!”

Thank you to the dedicated rescuer who found these dogs! To learn more about Yakima Valley Pet Rescue, including how you can donate to this organization, visit the organization’s website HERE and Facebook page HERE.


6 Common Illnesses to Watch for in Puppies

Your puppy is brand new and you want to protect him. The best thing you can do is to feed him a healthy, balanced diet, says Dr. Jim Dobies, a veterinarian with South Point pet hospital in Charlotte, N.C., and a member of the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association.

To read more on this story, click here: 6 Common Illnesses to Watch for in Puppies


Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Prince George's County Police Department, Prince George's County, Maryland - Today is Honoring Our Fallen K9 Hero "Rebel" Lost This Day in 1984 While Searching for a Suspect

On October 26, 1984, at about midnight, Corporal Joseph Wing and his K9 partner responded to Mount Rainier Junior High School to assist patrol units with a burglary in progress.

A perimeter was established and several announcements were made into the building instructing any suspects to surrender. When the suspects ignored those orders, Corporal Wing and Rebel deployed into the school, entering through the boiler room. As the search moved towards the far end of the school, Rebel gave indication to Corporal Wing of possible human presence within a particular classroom. Rebel entered the room, which was completely dark, and became aware of a suspect. As Rebel moved towards the suspect to make apprehension, the suspect stabbed Rebel in the chest. The armed suspect then advanced towards Corporal Wing, forcing him to deploy lethal force. Rebel was rushed to a veterinarian where he died of his injuries.

Rebel served the Prince George’s County Police Department for two years and was the first K9 member of this agency to give his life in the line of duty. At the time of his death, Rebel was five years old.


Top Dogs: Australian Predators Can Provide 24-7 Feral Cat Control

Feral cats are devastating our wildlife, so we need a long-term, sustainable solution. This is where Australia's natural predators come in.

A few moments on the internet will reveal that, as companion animals, cats are rivalled only by dogs. Our love affair with them is hardly surprising: they are elegant, graceful and affectionate animals. But they are also highly adaptable and successful hunters. Sadly our soft spot for them brings with it disastrous consequences for smaller wildlife species, particularly mammals, birds and reptiles.

To read more on this story, click here: Top Dogs: Australian Predators Can Provide 24-7 Feral Cat Control
