The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too The Pet Tree House - Where Pets Are Family Too

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How to Care for Your Pet's Eyes

Eyes are very delicate but surprisingly durable. There are steps you can take now to care for your pet's eyes so they aren't prone to infections and traumas later. One thing that is all-important is observing your pet's eyes, so you can catch any problem early and prevent it.

Infections of the eye are usually caused by bacteria and are treated with antibiotic ointment or solutions. The most common infection of the eye is also the easiest to detect: conjunctivitis. Symptoms of conjunctivitis include redness around the eye and a yellow or greenish discharge.


Preventing infection can be as easy as keeping your pet's eyes clean. Here are some steps to follow to prevent infections from happening:
  • Trim hair from around your pet's eyes using blunt-nosed scissors. Keeping hair from scraping on the eye will help prevent bacteria from getting into the eye.
  • By making sure the corners of your pet's eyes are mucus-free you may be able to prevent infections. Bacteria often feed on mucus and can migrate into the eye. Using sterile veterinary eyewash like Eye Clens® Eye Wash is a convenient way to do this.
  • Make sure to use protective ophthalmic ointment before you apply insecticides or before bathing your pet. This can prevent eye irritations that can lead to infection.
  • Keep your pet from situations where he may get eye trauma. Fights with other animals, exposure to irritating substances and letting your pet hang his head out of the car windows are three preventable situations when your pet could receive eye trauma.
Tear stains are also an area that may become a hotbed for bacteria. Some dogs, such as Poodles, Cockers, and small Terriers, don't have the proper mechanism for draining the tears out of the lacrimal gland (tear duct). The excess tears spill down the lower eyelid causing unsightly staining. Trimming hair around the eye, keeping the eye clean, and using a tear stain remover like Show Eyes® Solution or Pads can all help.


Cats experience unique health complications that are often not found in humans or in any other type of mammal. There are, however, some very common ailments found in the feline family that is often present in our own children and even among adults. If you are caring for family cats, and if you are concerned about your cat's vision health, it is important to become familiar with the signs of pink eye in cats.

By their very nature, cats are typically extremely clean and often prevent their own disease and illnesses by maintaining a very hygienic lifestyle. In some cases, however, a cat can develop an infection, especially in the eyes, from this excessive cleaning that may spread bacteria and fungi.

Pink eye in cats is quite common. While we typically associate pink eye with the infections in adults and children, our cats can be at risk as well. For many cats, this type of eye infection may begin as a response to an allergen or in response to a bacteria picked up while self-cleaning. The symptoms, however, are typically the same as that found in the human population.


Americans Spent $50.96 Billion on Their Pets in 2011

For the first time in history more than $50 billion has been spent on pets: dogs, cats, canaries, guppies and the like, reports The American Pet Products Association.

Food and vet costs accounted for about 65 percent of the spending. But it was a service category - one that includes grooming, boarding, pet hotels, pet-sitting and day care - that grew more than any other, surging 7.9 percent from $3.51 billion in 2010 to $3.79 billion in 2011.

APPA President Bob Vetere said 2012 should be another banner year for services, predicting it would grow 8.4 percent to an estimated $4.11 billion in 2012.

Owners are taking care of their pets, said Dr. Jessica Vogelsang, a San Diego veterinarian and author of "They are planning ahead. When they go on vacation, they want to make sure their pets are well cared for," she said.

Spending in 2011 was up 5.3 percent from 2010, when it totaled $48.35 billion, Vetere said. He estimated 2012 sales would total $53 billion.

In 2011, people spent $19.85 billion on food, $13.41 billion on vet care, $11.77 billion on supplies and over-the-counter medicines, $3.79 billion on other services and $2.14 billion on live animal purchases.

In 2010, they spent $18.76 billion on food, $13.01 billion on vet care, $10.94 billion on supplies and over-the-counter medicines, $3.51 billion on other services and $2.13 billion on live animal purchases.

Food sales did slow down, Vetere said, even though the 5.8 percent growth exceeded projections of 4.1 percent growth.

APPA numbers indicate that animal sales and adoptions are flattening out and the number of people who switched over to high-end food products is topping out.

Pet ownership is becoming less of an impulse decision, Vogelsang said. "I am seeing a lot of people saying, 'This isn't the time for us.' People are more interested in pets than ever before but they are taking their time, once they make the commitment, to do it right."

"I don't think this is a bad thing. I am proud of the owners," she said.

Pet insurance is another area that is expected to grow briskly, Vetere said. Included in the veterinary care category, insurance was estimated to be $450 million in 2011 and expected to grow to more than $500 million in 2012.

"Insurance makes such a difference in the health of an animal," Vogelsang said. "I can't tell you how many times I have had a pet come in and the only reason (the owners) were able to afford catastrophic care is because they had insurance. It's literally a life-saver and I'm really glad people are embracing the concept," the veterinarian said.

The pet industry is also a major attraction for entrepreneurs and investors looking for creative and innovative products, Vetere said.

Vogelsang believes the trend is toward "very specific items geared to the specific needs of pets. We are seeing a lot of puzzle feeders for dogs - not just toys but ones that are geared toward the mental needs of the animal. Then there are bionic toys for destructive chewers, a lot of very niche items," she said.


Friday, April 19, 2013

Homeland Security Program - Special Anti-Terrorism Dogs Will be Used at High Profile Events Around the University of Maryland Campus

College Park, MD - Special anti-terrorism dogs are sniffing around the University of Maryland campus, but they're not just looking for bombs, they're looking for people with a dangerous scent.

These dogs will be used where students congregate, and at high profile events on campus.

Take a look at the video below to see what's behind the use of these special investigative canines.


Have You Heard of Zeutering? A Procedure Alternative to Canine Neutering - Would You Consider this for Your Dog?

If you have a new pet, one of the most important decisions concerning the health of your pet is to have your male cat or dog neutered or your female pet spayed.

Neutering is the removal of the dog or cat’s testicles and spaying is the removal of the cat or dog’s ovaries and uterus. They are both relatively simple surgeries that require only a minimal hospital stay for the pet.

Neutering and spaying reduces a pet’s desire to roam and reproduce. Pets who have been sterilized are better behaved and less aggressive.  Serious medical conditions such as cancer of the ovaries, uterus and mammary glands can be avoided when kittens are spayed before their first estrus cycle.

Not only will these procedures keep your pet healthier and happier, it is one of the most common methods used to help prevent the overpopulation of unwanted cats and dogs that end up in shelters, hoping that a loving an permanent home for them can be found.

Some dog owners are not willing to have their pets sterilized because they are concerned about the dangers of anesthesia, even though the benefits of the surgery far outweigh this minor risk. And some dog owners want their male dogs looking like "boys", and feel that neutering diminishes their appearance.

For dog owners preferring not to have their male dogs surgically castrated, a non-surgical neutering technique approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is available for dogs between the ages of 3 and 10 months old. A veterinarian injects Zeuterin, (a compound of zinc gluconate and arginine) into both of the dog’s testicles. This compound destroys the cells that produce sperm. This procedure is not yet available for male cats.

While surgical castration reduces testosterone levels almost completely, according to the product’s manufacturer, Ark Sciences, testosterone levels are only reduced by 50 percent. Although the dog who has undergone “zeutering” is incapable of siring offspring, much in the same way that dogs who have been surgically castrated, they may exhibit roaming, marking, marking and aggressive behavior. However, Ark Sciences states that some testosterone remains to “support critical endocrine functions.”

While the testicles remain in place, they generally shrink in size.  To prove they have been sterilized, “zeutered” dogs can be tattooed with a “Z” or microchipped.

America’s Veterinarian, Dr. Marty Becker talked about “zeutering” in an article on Vetstreet. After finishing his training to perform the procedure, Dr. Becker refers to zeutering as “a shot of good news.” He writes, “Zeuterin is ideal for animal shelters and spay-neuter clinics, with dogs usually in and out within about half an hour.” Dr. Marty considers the procedure far less stressful for dogs, since no invasive surgery is required. Most dogs experience only a needle-stick, much like that of a vaccination with little to no pain involved.

The Pros and Cons
For people who cannot fathom the thought of their dog living without testicles, Zeuterin™ may be the solution because the organs remain in place after sterilization. On the other hand, if the primary goal of neutering is elimination of negative male behaviors such as roaming and aggression, surgery may still be the procedure of choice. Zeuterin™ does not completely eliminate testosterone production within the testicles, although it does reduce it by up to 50 percent. Surgical neutering drops testosterone production to zero.

Zeuterin™ may be a real boon for animal shelters and sterilization clinics in their fight against pet overpopulation. Proponents believe chemical neutering is safer, simpler, less time-consuming and cheaper to perform than traditional surgery, meaning more dogs potentially can be neutered with available shelter resources.

Is chemical castration likely to replace traditional surgical neutering in our population of pet dogs?

Would you consider chemical rather than surgical neutering for your male dog?


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Are You Considering Getting a Bird as a Pet?

It happens all too often. An unsuspecting person pays a visit to a neighborhood pet store. Once inside, they round a corner to find themselves face to face with beautiful, vividly colored birds.  Instantly, the person is smitten, and minutes later they are driving home with their new bird.

Having a pet bird is a big responsibility for any animal lover. While on the surface, owning a bird may seem as easy as owning any other pet, birds require stringent, specific care to stay healthy.

Each species has different needs: some birds are domesticated and adapt well to life in a small cage, while some are large, untamed and unruly, and are not appropriate for most people to keep as pets. Small birds like canaries, parakeets and lovebirds are well suited to live in a typical household setting.

There are an abundance of resources available to help you raise birds properly, including instructional books, pet supplies and local veterinarian offices that can treat them. They tend to need less of your attention than, say, a parrot or cockatoo would, and they interact more easily with people.

Do you want a bird that will be eager to come out of his cage and socialize, or would you prefer a pet that likes to be seen but not touched? The way your bird relates to you will be an important factor in the quality of your ownership experience. Keeping this in mind, it is important to note that different species of birds exhibit various behavior patterns and dispositions. An African Grey will behave quite differently from a Canary, for example. Those in the market for a pet bird should make sure to research the species that they are interested in so they can choose the bird whose personality will be most compatible with their own.

There are more than 10,000 species of birds on the planet, but only a few of them can happily live as our companions. Certain species, like cockatiels, budgerigars, finches, doves, and lovebirds, can thrive as pets with proper care. But most other birds, like macaws, cockatoos, and so many more, are best left in the wild; they’re too social, intelligent, and complex to have all of their needs met in captivity.

Before choosing this bird make sure you understand that they can live for close to 100 years. They birds have special dietary requirements, and they need to be handled and let out daily.

Tips for choosing a bird
This video will give you tips on how to choose the right pet bird for you. Learn what to consider before buying your bird, including how to determine the bird's health, what supplies you'll need, how to train the bird, how to make space in a birdcage, what medical costs to expect and what food to feed your pet bird.

Best Pet Bird for a Child


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Dog Parks - Some of the Hazards You May Encounter

You would think that dog parks are one of the best places for you and your pooch to be. They encourage you and your dog to get fresh air, explore, exercise, and bond with each other. With the blissful image of our four-legged companions playing and horsing around with their tails wagging, it’s hard to think of a flaw when it comes to visiting dog parks.

While it may be true that dog parks are a wonderful place to go to, aren’t always the best place for both you and your dog to stay safe. If you look closely, there are a number of dog park hazards that you need to watch out for to ensure that you both make it home in safely.

Dog Park Dangers 

Sick Dogs:
Bringing your pooch to the park can expose him to other pets which may not be in great health. Further, plenty of visitors neglect to pick-up after their pets, leaving little piles of germs strewn about. Because there’s no easy way for you to know which other animals are good for your dog to mingle with, protect your dog from possible health risks by updating all of his vaccinations. Deworm your dog on a regular basis and ensure that he receives shots that prevent kennel cough and canine flu. Spaying and neutering your pooch is recommended (sometimes required) before visiting an off-leash park.

Extreme Heat:
Because heat stroke is a life-threatening situation for dogs, it is crucial that as a responsible owner, you do your best to keep your dog from exceedingly high temperatures. Dogs do not sweat the way we do. In fact, their only way to cool down is panting. Because of this, it’s far more difficult for dogs to control their body temperatures once they are out in the open. To avoid putting your dog in this grave situation, don’t take him out during the hottest hours of the day. Always look for a shady spot where he can rest and don’t forget to provide him with plenty of fresh water to drink. If you think your dog is suffering from heat stroke, immediately seek out the nearest vet hospital.

Aggressive Dogs:
Not every dog owner is as thoughtful and responsible as you are. Many people bring their dogs to the park with the attitude that “the dogs will work it out.” If you suspect another dog at the park is aggressive, it may be in your best interest to leave and try again later, after they’re gone. Likewise, if your own dog doesn’t always play well with others, it’s best to bring him when the park is empty. It’s also important to note that many perfectly gentle, friendly dogs can become toy or leash aggressive. It’s best to leave the toys at home, and unleash your dog once inside the park to avoid any unnecessary conflict.

Small Children:
Although dogs and small kids are commonly a good combination, there are times when children are a hazard at dog parks. A child who runs up to an unfamiliar pooch to play with him can cause the dog to feel rather threatened which often never ends well. Also, a small child’s size can put them at the dog’s muzzle level; making them more vulnerable to injury. To prevent this from happening, always be alert about everything that’s going on around you.

Potential for Injuries:
Some of the typical activities at dog parks are playing fetch and running. Letting your dog run at maximum speed may be great as a form of exercise. However, it can result in mild to severe injuries if he accidentally steps into a hole or on anything sharp. To avoid this, always see to it that you know very well the condition of the area where your pooch is playing. Inspect for holes that other dogs have dug, and check the area for sharp objects that he could hurt himself on.

Remember, you are responsible for picking up after your dog; it is not another person’s responsibility.

For many of us, and our pets, a trip to the dog park is fun and rewarding. As long as you’re aware of your dog and his surroundings at all times, it can be a great place to wear off some energy and make new friends.

Take a look at the video below:


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Maryland Pit Bull Bill Compromise Falls Apart - What Went Wrong

I am sharing this story from the SPCA/Humane Society of Prince George's County.

This was written before the "pit bull bill" failed, but it's a good explanation of what went wrong. It's a shame Marylanders and their dogs are going to have to live with the misguided court ruling for another year. It's already been too long.

Please read: Maryland Pit Bull Bill Compromise Falls Apart In General Assembly.

Please Share!


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Pit Bull Legislation Failed to Pass

Annapolis, MD - Lawmakers on the final day of the Maryland General Assembly failed to pass a measure that would change a court ruling that designated pit bulls as an "inherently dangerous" breed.

The bill, which received unanimous approval from the Senate on Monday, stalled in the House of Delegates. House Speaker Michael Busch said the House did not have enough votes to pass the measure.

"From a comprehensive standpoint, there were a lot very good bills passed," said Busch, underscoring the passage of several measures this session, including a death penalty repeal bill and gun control legislation. "There were so many pieces of legislation that had a great impact on the citizens of Maryland. The only one we did not come to resolve, unfortunately, was the dog legislation."

The legislation would have required all dog owners to prove by clear and convincing evidence they had no prior knowledge that their dog was prone to biting for incidents involving victims 12 years old and younger. For older victims, owners would have to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that they had no knowledge their dog was prone to biting, a lesser standard.

The requirement would not apply if the victim was trespassing or was bitten while committing a crime.

Lawmakers sought to address a court ruling last year that made pit bull owners and landlords strictly liable for bites without previous evidence of a dog being dangerous. The court's decision brought an outcry from pet owners and animal rights activists who said it focused on a single breed and made it harder for homeless pit bulls to be adopted.

Under the failed legislation, all breeds would be treated equally and landlords would not be held to the strict liability test.

"The big issue on the ground is the notices that people are getting from landlords, saying that they have to get rid of their dogs," said Tami Santelli, Maryland state director for The Humane Society of the United States. "I don't think that there is any question that this issue will be back next year."

The Humane Society estimates that about 70,000 Marylanders have pit bull-type dogs.

Last year's ruling was made in the case of Dominic Solesky, who was badly injured in a pit bull attack in Baltimore County in 2007 when he was 10.

Opponents of the measure said the legislation would make it difficult for dog owners to get homeowner's insurance at affordable rates.

"If the people who own pit bulls can't get insurance now, what do you think is going to happen when if you take the other 98 percent of dog owners and put strict liability on them?" asked Delegate Luiz Simmons, a Montgomery County Democrat.

Supporters of the legislation argued that the bill was needed to protect children.

"The number of fatal dog bites and serious injury-causing dog bites has gone up dramatically over the last two decades," said Sen. Jamie Raskin, also a Montgomery County Democrat. "We are saying that if you've got a dog that is violent and dangerous, you are strictly responsible if it goes after a kid."

The legislation emerged out of a conference committee after the House and Senate reached a stalemate earlier in the session over the burden of proof an owner would need to meet in court about whether there was reason to believe the dog was likely to bite someone. House members wanted owners to prove by a preponderance of the evidence they had no prior knowledge their dog was prone to biting. The Senate wanted dog owners to prove it by clear and convincing evidence, a higher standard.

Senate President Mike Miller said lawmakers had reached a compromise that was acceptable to all.

Many disappointed measure failed, say issue will be back next year
